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Is the South Korean crisis indigenous or imported?

  • South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol is still a long way from extinguishing the political crisis that led to the application of the war law on the night of 3 December. Although it is quite clear that those who promoted the coup are not winning. At the moment.
Yoonek ez du amore eman, ezta krisi politikoa konponbidean jartzeko ezinbestekoa dirudien bere dimisioa eman ere. Itxaropenen bat baduela esan liteke. 델리민주 Daily Minjoo (Democratic Party) (CC BY 3.0)

17 December 2024 - 12:19
Last updated: 15:27
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Indeed, on the same night the coup d'état lost a decisive envy, when Parliament failed to prevent Yoon's proclamation from being suspended; someone will have to re-read Malaparte's classic. Last Saturday, once again in Parliament, Yoon lost some key when his impeachment advanced in the second session, far exceeding the two-thirds majority. But Yoon has not given up, and has not given up, its resignation, which seems necessary for the political crisis to be brought to a solution. It can be said that it has some hope.

Meanwhile, judges and police continue to investigate the plot. At first, and especially at a distance, what seemed a crazy occurrence of Yoon, on 3 December, was taking the full form of a clear and fairly common coup d’état as the investigations progressed: lists of opponents to “neutralize”, strategic points to occupy, arguments to whitewash the putch (coup d’état), concrete orders of senior military officials... Among those who were up to date and those who remained in deliberate ignorance, there was a crack on which they supported themselves.

The goal could be none other than to establish a barely disguised military regime, with Yoon and his civic and military government at the highest level.

But then, the first question would be: Why something like this? To think that none of the problems that South Korea can have at the moment can better lead to South Korea in that way does not seem reasonable. It appears that it was the Minister of Finance and Economics who opposed the Ozenquis at the government meeting held on the eve of the war law, and it is no coincidence. On the other hand, the inconvenience caused by the presence of the parliamentary majority in the hands of the Yoon opposition should not be a headache for the armed forces... So?

The travels and plans of Defence Minister Kim Yong-hyun, who has been instrumental in preparing and implementing the coup attempt (unless it is decisive, he appears to have attempted suicide when he was arrested), can help to clarify on 3 December. Especially if we take into account the full harmony shown by him and the head of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Paparo, in recent months.

But to do so, we should start to think that the Yoon (auto) coup is more imported than the native one.

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