The feminist movement of the Basque Country considers feminist justice and feminist self-defense necessary on the road to a life without violence. Jenofa Berhokoirigoin’s proposal to build lives free from violence from feminism focuses on these avenues:
The Emagin Association has recently published its own protocol for the management of male assault within the group, focused on the transformation and repair of pain. Leire Artola presents in the report “Collective responsibility in the face of male assaults” the protocol:
And what do we do with violators? (And what do we do with violators?) Based on the book, Amaia Lekunberri has interviewed three people behind the book:
Elsa Dorlin is another expert and interesting who reflects on feminist self-defense and the use of violence in general. Jenofa Berhokoirigoin interview with his book Se défendre, a philosophie of violence (defend, a philosophy of violence), later translated by Txalaparta into Spanish, Self-defense. A philosophy of violence.
The body is attacked, but it also responds from the body to the aggressor or to pain. One path can be tattooing. The Desideratum tattoo studio in Barcelona witnesses hard personal stories. Altruism and empathy come together to offer free tattoos to women who have experienced male violence or have suffered cancer to overcome traumatic situations. Leire Regadas interview tattoo artist Noemi García:
Amaia Lekunberri Jaiak fights for pleasure in the report on the response to assaults during parties:
The COVID-19 forced return order accentuated home hell to many of the women's aggressors, because the house is not systematically synonymous with tenderness and/or protection. On behalf of the couple, Saioa Baleztena spoke to feminist lawyer Carla Vall about women who suffer violence:
Stitxu Eizagirre reflected on Lantoki in the face of aggression. In the letter:
The issue of aggressions is a topic to be addressed in centers from a feminist perspective. Among other things, relationships between partners and the Escalator of Violence tool are being identified and worked on. Mikel García tells us in the report “The staircase that highlights the toxic relationships of the couple”:
From the shadow or currently, both in the private sphere and in the center of the plaza, responses are being given against patriarchal and sexist aggressions throughout the world. One of them is the increase in the liberation movement in Iran over the past few weeks. Amaia Lekunberri interview Maryam Fathi Kjar, European Head of the Association of Free Women of Eastern Kurdistan:
We learned this week that the Court of Getxo has closed the case of 4-year-old children from the Europa School. This leads us to ask: are the judicial, police, etc. authorities prepared to respond to the children’s requests? Are our children really protected when they are... [+]
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.
Today, the voices of women and children remain within a culture that delegitimizes their voices, silencing their experiences, within a system aimed at minimizing or ignoring their basic rights and needs. A media example of this problem is the case of Juana Rivas, but her story... [+]