On Monday, the Euskal Herria Feminist Movement appeared in Bilbao announcing calls for November 25. Feminist justice in fear and control! We are organised! have chosen the motto for this year's International Day against Violence against Women and under this motto will denounce the "eleven forms" of male violence. They mention as an example the diversity of ways that violence against women can take "institutional violence, that we suffer in the workplace, that we suffer at home" or "that we suffer to overcome heterosis".
They set an example of the events that took place last summer, because with the subject of stings we have seen a new form of violence emerge. The feminist movement denounces that different mechanisms have been put in place to implement this new form of violence: "a constant social control, messages and measures based on fear, an excessive police presence... and everything to refocus on women. We can say that the capitalist heteropatriarchal system has revealed itself even more crucially."
They point out that they are clear on the path to follow in the face of all this violence, emphasizing that it is the same that has been taken in recent years: organization and struggle. They say what this is based on. "Build networks among us, take care of ourselves, set in motion common struggles, take responsibility, challenge men and build ways to radically change the system." And as the most effective tool in this path, they have advocated feminist self-defense.
They have also taken the opportunity to translate the demands and call on men to take responsibility for their responsibility in relation to male violence. "Stop being aggressor and complicit. Take responsibility and take responsibility for the situation. Superficial discourses do not work if nothing changes in practice".
Having said that, they have announced demonstrations in the capitals of Euskal Herria, encouraging the peoples to organize mobilizations or to participate in them.
Hegi Euskal Herria will host the demonstrations on 25 November. In Donostia-San Sebastian it will depart from Boulevard at 19:00; in Vitoria-Gasteiz at 19:00 from Plaza San Antón; in Pamplona they will depart from Plaza del Castillo at 20:00; and in Bilbao they will leave the Sacred Heart at 19:00.
The demonstration will be held the following day in Baiona on 26 November. The mobilization will start at 19:00 from the Town Hall Square.
Along the same lines as the feminist movement, Bilgune Feminist of the Basque Country Herria, Nazkatuta, has also spoken on November 25. Feminist self-defense! in the letter. The reading of "hartos", like that of the feminist movement, refers to the various forms of male violence and those that occurred in summer on the subject of stings. "Fortunately, we feminists have sought twelve other ways to deal with these eleven forms. That's why feminist self-defense is our tool to deal with all of this," they claimed.
Moreover, Bilgune Feminista has questioned men, making explicit the desire to put "responsibility and responsibility" in them. "When feminist waves arrived, some men learned speeches and superficial attitudes well. They have used their knowledge without shame. (...) We have seen how, as the heteropatriarchal capitalist system has benefited from the terms and figures of feminism, men have done the same. Their appearance doesn't change the root," they reject.
Emakunde has also looked at men in drawing up the campaign on 25 November. "What don't you want to understand? The motto is "Solik bai da baietz", created with the objective of directing men.
Despite the calls for mobilization of the feminist movement, Itaia has held its own calls in various cities and towns of Euskal Herria.
The socialist organization of women has also pointed out the different forms of male violence that adapt to the current life model. And they have also called for self-defense, although they have called for "socialist self-defense" rather than "feminist self-defense." Because they understand that the capitalist system is "the one that reproduces and intensifies violence" and therefore "it is impossible to end male violence in capitalist society", and therefore self-defense must be socialist. A25 | Building a socialism to combat male violence. They've taken their video reading.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.
Today, the voices of women and children remain within a culture that delegitimizes their voices, silencing their experiences, within a system aimed at minimizing or ignoring their basic rights and needs. A media example of this problem is the case of Juana Rivas, but her story... [+]