Workers looking for Joaquín Beltrán, who had disappeared since the collapse of the Zaldibar Landfill on 6 February 2020, have found in the landfill remnants of cars and work equipment. Beltrán, for its part, has not been located at any time by the Foral Police. In fact, at the same time as the findings are reported, the Basque Government underlines that there is no indication that the objects found are associated with Beltrán.
Joaquín Beltrán disappeared on the precipice next to Alberto Sololuze. The remains of Sololuze were found in August, but the trail of Beltrán has not yet been found by the police.
Visiting urban waste collection and reduction sites should be a compulsory school tour. Open a cookie pack to swallow two inner cookies and mentally construct the package surface path. The shame of human activity lies in destiny. Ultimate desolate landscape of the sins of... [+]
Europako Batzordeak beste behin adierazi du Eusko Jaurlaritzak legedia bete zuela Zaldibarko zabortegiaren kasuan. Zaldibar Argitu plataformak nabarmendu du Lakuak bidalitako informazioa soilik izan duela kontuan Bruselak.
In February, two years have passed since the Zaldibar landfill fell. In March comes the second anniversary of the pandemic, when we stay home for two months. Two disasters. The second covered the first, but the management of the Eitzaga disaster taught us how the pest was to be... [+]