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The company Autlan EMD is sanctioned by the Social Court of Eibar for excessive exposure to toxic elements

  • The Court of Eibar has ruled that the contact of workers with sulphuric acid was 38 times higher than the level allowed in the company of Oñati. As a result of the judgment, the contract of two workers will be suspended, with the Company having to compensate for the damages.

18 October 2022 - 11:32
Autlan EMD enpresa zigortu dute elementu toxikoen babes faltagatik / Argazkia: LAB
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Autlan EMD S.L.U. (formerly Cegasa) has been sanctioned by a court with the excessive exposure of a worker to acidic sulphuric acid clouds. In particular, some jobs had an acid incidence of 38 times that allowed, according to LAB in a note. 1 from the Eibar Work Area. The Hearing accepted on 14 October the demand of a worker from Oñati and recognized her occupational disease, occupational asthma. In addition, it has accepted the termination of contracts for two workers and the company will have to pay compensation.

The ELA trade union has also received a note in which it denounces that the decision to guarantee security measures has been delayed year after year. The first study carried out by the company in 2017 is too late, according to the union, “because the report recognizes that sulfuric acid is a key element in the company’s productive process.” In addition, it did not study all potentially contaminated areas, arguing that there was no risk of contamination.

In this first study the excess action of sulfuric acid was already identified, but until 2018 Autlan did not implement Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). They also denounce that preventive measures were not specific to the situation and that they were not implemented in all risk areas. ELA argues that acid mist would also extend to “common areas and rest areas”. Five workers in the company were recognised as having an occupational disease in 2022.

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2024-05-28 | ARGIA
Last week the wounded in Bergara died
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A Estella worker dies after an accident in the truck he was driving
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Zorroza Waste Management acknowledges that Bassirou Dione's body was moved to hide labor death
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Mutuals report that health has become a business
The unions LAB, CGT, STEILAS, ESK, CNT and LSB-USO, the Navarra Health Platform and the Public Health Platform have launched a social awareness and information campaign.

2024-04-30 | ARGIA
Injured forest worker dies in Artzentales
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The carrier who suffered a cargo in Arrasate dies: "We are suffering a sharp increase in accidents at work"
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2024-02-27 | ARGIA
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2024-02-15 | ARGIA
A worker dies in an Olazti cement company
The accident occurred on Thursday at noon at Cementos Portland, in Olazti. Since the beginning of the year, 15 workers have died in the Basque Country.  

One worker died in the Basque Country every three days, since the beginning of the year
The 47-year-old died on Tuesday in Durango and is the 14th accidentally killed in Euskal Herria, according to LAB data. The worker died when he worked on the roof of Fumbarri and worked for a subcontracted company. Trade unions have called for stoppages and mergers for... [+]

2024-01-22 | ARGIA
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2024-01-18 | ARGIA
A worker dies in Errenteria after scaffolding, the seventh year
He is the seventh worker who has died since the beginning of the year. Five operators have died within a week.

Three workers die in Euskal Herria since Wednesday
Accidents at work have occurred in Arribe, Muxika and Funes. The last was Arriba, after killing a man fallen from eight meters on Monday.

The first two occupational deaths of the year in Santurtzi and Trapagaran
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Last year 58 workers died in the Basque Country
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