The Government has designated Australia National Day on 26 January. Celebrations are common and protests under the motto Abolish Australia Day. Thousands of people, many of them with aboriginal flags, have taken to the streets of Australian cities to fight British colonization. For many entrepreneurs, that day began the era of discrimination and the expulsion of indigenous people from their lands.
On 26 January 1788, the first British prisoners came to Australia and established the first colony. Indigenous entrepreneurs see it as a day of invasion and say they have nothing to celebrate. Since then, sexual abuse, the theft of Aboriginal lands, the destruction of their cultures and the treatment as secondary citizens on their lands for three centuries.
In Melbourne, roads and tramway lines have been closed for more than four hours. One more year, they have faced the monuments representing the Australian colonial past. James Cook paints a red statue of the English colonizer and writes messages that say “the colony falls.” The statue of Queen Victoria in Melbourne has also been painted with red paint, among others.
Members of the James Cook University and the Research Council of Australia have discovered ceramic fragments from 2,000-3,000 years ago on the island of Jiigurru in northwestern Australia. These are the oldest ceramic remains discovered so far in Australia. The geological study... [+]
Lepoa eta eskuak aulki bati lotuta eta burua estalita duen nerabe bat ageri da bideoan. Ikerketa abiarazi du gobernuak, Malcolm Turnbull lehen ministroak aginduta, The Guardianek jaso duenez.
National Geographic aldizkarian Australiako aborigenei buruzko foto erreportaje ederra egin dute. Uhartean 50.000 urtez bizitu arren, egun Australiako biztanleen %3 baino gutxiago dira. Beren kultura, bizimodua eta mundu ikuskera pixkana desagertzen ari dira. Hala ere, egun... [+]
250 inguru ziren XVIII. mendean Australiako aborigenek hitz egiten zituzten hizkuntzak. Gaur egun 100 dira bizirik dauden hizkuntzak, eta gehienek oso hiztun gutxi dituzte.
Albiste susmagarriak iritsi ziren berrikitan Australiatik: aborigen jendeen artean haurrei sexu gehiegikeriak erruz egiten zaizkiela jakin eta agintariak neurriak hartzen ari omen direla. Albiste horren sustraian dagoen kolonialismo istorio iluna argitu nahi izan du John... [+]