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The Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco honours the writer Janbattit Dirassar

  • The Baltsan Association, Euskal Kultur Erakundea, the Casa Consistorial de Ziburu and ARGIA have presented the third edition of the Feria del Libro y del Disco Vasco to be held on June 4. The number of publishers participating in the fair and the population attending it is growing year after year. This year it presents some novelty: A long-standing writer and a young man who has taken his first steps will make a "Zubiburu" colloquium. The fair pays tribute to the writer of Ziburu, Janbattit Dirassar.

10 May 2022 - 12:27
Last updated: 13:42

On the first Saturday of June the square of Ziburu will be occupied by words and music in Basque. Ladix Arrosagaraik, member of the Baltsan Elkartea Association, stressed that "thanks to this fair, Basque citizenship has one more day to enjoy in Euskera, breathe in Euskera, live in Euskera" and that this national event exceeds the limits of all kinds: between North and South, between Euskaldun-berri and Euskaldun-zaharras.

The representative of Euskararen Kultur Erakundea, Maia Etxandi, stressed that at EKE they "see very well" the "wager" that has been made, that is, that the fair has been held entirely in Basque. Programming and the number of citizens participating are growing year after year and are also "very satisfied" with it.

33 publishers

The fair will feature 33 publishers that will display 92 meters of exhibitors. Among the books for sale there are news that will be announced later. Discography and self-produced discs will have their own space to give more visibility to music.

Year after year, the number of publishers presenting their works at the national fair increases considerably: 17 publishers participated in the first edition and 52 meters of tables. Last year, 22 publishers attended and 62 meters of tables were formed. And this year it's been uploaded to 33 publishers, and it's going to take 92 meters of table to accommodate all the offerings.

The Municipality of Ziburu has been represented by Jean Mixel Dirassar, elected from Euskera, and Fanny Lastube, head of Euskera. Dirassarre takes the floor and highlights last year’s success: "Last year was a success and the Fair will continue to take its place this year. It will be a special day for the Ziburutarras and the Basques. Also this year, I pay homage to my father and I live excited, it's my double joy."

Say father and son. The Ziburu Fair pays tribute to the writer Janbattit Dirassar. Jen Mixel Diraszar, elected from the Basque Country of the Casa Consistorial, has therefore recognized his "double satisfaction" for this year's fair.
Tribute to Janbattit Dirasmaiz and colloquium "Zubiburu"

Estitxu Eizagirre, a member of ARGIA, stressed that the fair is also a bridge. In order to build a bridge between old and young generations of writers, this year's Fair kicks off the round table "Zubiburu". Ziburu's writer, Janbattit Dirassar, will be honored and one of the table members, who will speak from years of experience. Izpura's young lady, Amaiur Epher, will be next to her and complete the interview.

Janbattit Dirassar, born in 1937, is a writer and journalist of the weekly Herria. Among others, he has published the following literary works: In his book Hegiko bordatik reported memories of childhood (1995, Elkar), his novel The Pain of the Heart Centered on Impossible Love (1997, Elkar), in which Bele Xuria (2013, Elkar) gathers his opinion on different themes of life and the world today...

The Ziburu Fair has also built a bridge this year with literary tradition. On 4 May, Céline Mounol offered a conference aimed at bringing 17th-century writer Joanes Etxeberri Ziburu to the square, a starting point for Basque literary tradition. And it's that in his village so far he doesn't have a street or a square name.

"Mother Earth Needs a Pause" Spectacular for Children, Music, Humor and Drafts

Maddi Zubeldia is a member of the Baltsan association and along with Bernadette Lu has written the story of this spectacular young girl. This tale, inspired by the four nature stations, has the help of puppets in the wonderful plazoleta of the Old Fountain. The performance will be accompanied by the music of Xano Halsouete. In all schools in Ziburu the story has been worked and songs have been prepared and during the performance students will offer songs.

Adur Larrea, member of the Baltsan Association, has presented other cultural activities that will take place throughout the day: at noon the folk group Ni Banna will play in the Plaza de Ziburu, in front of the Boga and Atalaia bars. The fair will also be closed with a concert at sunset with the Adar group. As in previous years, a spontaneous action will be held this year that combines comics and bertso: "By sketches." And another novelty will be the oral humor session: Pantzo Irigarai’s talk will open the afternoon trade fair after the lunch break.

"Go to the Basque Republic!"

Ladix Arrosagari has finished the presentation by convening the entire Basque Country: "You go to Ziburu on June 4 to reclaim and enjoy the Republic of the Basque Country." Jenofa Berhokoirigoine explained that in order to be able to live in Euskera throughout the day, the accommodations in the Plaza de Ziburu have also ensured that in addition to sponsoring the fair, the waiters who will work that day and the Euskaldun music they will install.

The organization of the fair includes Euskal Irratia, Euskal Kultur Erakundea and Ziburuko Herria. And along with the four accommodations of the Plaza de Ziburu (Atalaia, Bittor, Boga and Maitenia) it also sponsors the Bertsolarien Lagunak Association, with the collaboration of Bozoka.

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