Nerea Mujika, president of the association Gerediaga that organizes the Azoka of Durango every year, explained that “Basque culture is prosperous and rich” and that it is a reflection of that Fair. “It is the place of culture, the market, the show, the annual appointment, the platform of reflection and debate, the party, the ritual, the meeting place…”. He has also stressed that there are many ways to live the Durango Fair, which is being held in Durango.
This year the Fair wants to claim this diversity, which brings with it new creators and long-standing creators, contemporary and traditional culture, trade and break-up proposals, according to the organizers.
Offer in large and small formats
The program also wants to respond to this diversity by offering great concerts in Plateruena (Esne Beltza, Huntza, Anesthesia and Olatz Salvador, among others, between this year’s offer), but also other smaller performances (among the concerts of Ahotsenea are those of Izaki Gardenak, Leihotikan, Xabi Bandini, singer of Weraukmutalko). Harkaitz Cano will bring the novel Fakirraren ahotsa, Idurre Eskisabel the book of poems Goseak janak, Iban Zaldua the book of stories I should never tell you things and Unai Iturriaga the book Haur Besobat which he has written with Alex San Vicente: Comic book by artist from Paris.
On Thursday, December 6, from 18:00 a.m., Jakoba Errekondo will present at Ahotsenea his latest book agenda, Landarlantzen, edited by ARGIA.
In addition to books and records, the Durango Fair will become a meeting point for all kinds of artistic events thanks to the spaces Irudienea (audiovisual), Szenatokia (theatre), Kabi@ (current technologies) and Saguganbara (children and youth space) that have consolidated in recent years.
Poster of the collective Txakur Gorria
Along with the program, the Durango Fair has presented the poster of this year’s edition. Txakur Gorria is the work of the collective and that has also been a wager on the part of the Azoka. Nerea Mujika has recalled that in recent years the poster has been requested from long-standing artists such as Nestor Basterretxea, Itziar Ocariz, Marta Cardenas, Jose Luis Zumeta, Christine Etchevers or Jose Antonio Sistiaga, “but the Azoka is in continuous renewal and we have wanted to go to new creators to create the image this year.”
Ane Labaka, Nerea Ibarzabal, Mariñe Arbeo and Malen Amenabar, for their part, have been in charge of presenting this year’s poster to the Txakur Gorria collective. The poster reflects the movements that occur in the Landako space during the celebration of the Fair. “It is inspired by the plantation plan and intends to suggest all the movements that we pursue in it, as if we were street markers: entrance, exit, stop, gesture of passing pages, hug...”.
To prepare for the new year, many Basque readers come home with the ARGIA calendar taco. The calendar has a special place at home. ARGIA has pulled out these two mounts specifically designed for the calendar, to give the place corresponding to the calendar and decorate it. In... [+]
Because we have not missed the pity that someone had when it came to organizing the Durango Fair 2018. In the distribution of spaces. We will not be where we have been in the last three years, you will not find ARGIA in that ample space of the previous entry. Artekale will be at... [+]