Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They have announced that this year will not be the "Ospa Eguna" in Altsasu/Alsasua, but will continue to work for demilitarization

  • Ospa Eguna! the organization confirms that the demand for demilitarization is a day that has been on the political agenda, and points out that we must continue along this path "as long as the right to decide of Euskal Herria is denied and suppressed". They have broadcast a video with pictures of different painted images.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

04 September 2023 - 07:59
Last updated: 10:08

The first Eguna Spa was organised in Altsasu for over a decade. At that time, humor, political criticism and party were combined to extend the cry of demilitarization to the four winds. Since its inception, the Spanish police forces and the National Court held this day in litigation against their organizers and police operations. The most violent demonstration of force was undoubtedly the so-called “Altsasu question”.


"The Ospa Eguna has been the day it has placed in Altsasu / Alsasua and throughout the Basque Country on the agenda Alde Hemen aldarria, of great reference," the organizers pointed out in a note.

In the letter they state that this year the Eguna Spa is not being celebrated, but that the demilitarization is a "claim that is still present". "As long as the right to decide of Euskal Herria is denied and suppressed, we will remain among us the occupying forces, so now more than ever we invite to leave our country, jumping to sovereignty as a people".

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