Abasolo and Uriarte made loaves in the wood oven of the grandmother. “It was the typical oven in the farmhouse, quite large in size and they got a lot of bread.” The oven, over 300 years old, was the one that started its course, and two years ago, a new wood rotary kiln was acquired. Whole breads with wheat, spelt and rye, white bread, sweet bread with turmeric, curcum, grapes and nuts, chapata, semi-integral… make loaves of all kinds in Errasti. And not only that, they are also working in pastries: cookies, muffins, cakes, pastries, brioches… “Many products are comprehensive, and in the case of those who are not, we try not to use refined white sugars.”
As the producer pointed out, what is being offered is a quality product that will genuinely feed and bring health and environmental benefits. “We were clear from the beginning of the choice for the ecological model, because we wanted a good product, without chemicals or pesticides.” They use organic flours and look at their origin. “We are now talking about changes and the intention is to start taking the flour in the short term to an organic producer in the Basque Country,” he says.
Production and pedagogy of the hand
In addition to producing bread and sweets, the members of the project are also dedicated to education. Uriarte continues with the macrobiotic courses and offers workshops related to food of the time. “On the other hand, we have started to do guided tours with children in the hamlet. For example, the children of the ikastola of Bergara came, who take us the bread for the dining room. On visits we make bread, we see the life of the farmhouse, we visit the vegetable garden…”. Uriarte has developed a teaching unit related to sustainable food, which visits the educational centers to work on it. “We see what the farmhouse is, what it has to do with the vegetable garden, how to cook, how to feed each season, issues related to the bakery and others,” he explained.
Errasti's partners sell their products in the county's stores: In Beroña, in Arrasate, in Aretxabaleta, in Eskoriatza, in Oñati, in Bergara and in Elgoibar. “We are generally having a good answer and we make a very positive assessment of these five years,” the producer concludes.
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