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They end 57 "fulfilling expectations and satisfaction." Durango Fair

  • The organizers of the Durango Fair appreciate the atmosphere and the number of visitors and sales. The next trade fair is already dated: The 58th edition will be held from 6 to 10 December 2023.
Argazkia: Durangoko Azoka

12 December 2022 - 10:24
Last updated: 11:58
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

After two years of extraordinary editions, the Durango Fair returns to format and sales numbers prior to the health crisis. The assessment made by the organization on the last day of the 57 edition has been positive and has shown "satisfaction and compliance with the forecasts". The event these days has been described as "explosion" in both visitors and sales and atmosphere. The organization has now expressed its desire to extend this explosion beyond Durango: "The challenge is to extend this explosion lived during these five days throughout Euskal Herria, so that the Fair is not an oasis, so that we continue to spread this community that we have felt in Durango."

This year’s Durango Fair started on December 7 and closed on December 11. They stress that all these five days have been massive, with 8 December being the day of the greatest influx. So much was the public, that in all the presentations of the records the capacity was fulfilled. In this sense, Ahotsenea celebrated its 15th anniversary "with an unbeatable environment", according to the organizers.

Successful Szenatoki

Among the most outstanding are the positive response of Szenatokia. In fact, the visitors of the fair have included in their "imaginary itinerary" the space created to be a place of performing arts. Evidence of this is that a number of the 29 organized meetings have achieved capacity. "The light theater format has been fully consolidated," they've read. Looking ahead, the Szenatoki will continue to be strengthened, as this year’s creative scholarship recipient will present in this space the outcome of the project supported in the next edition of the fair: Eucalyptus, by Bermean actor Jon Ander Urresti.

This year’s edition has been a significant step in the recovery of the market model prior to the emergence of COVID-19. A clear indicator of this has been the drop in Internet sales: "Without a doubt, culture buffs have prioritized the Fair face to face versus the online store." In four days 434 orders were made, with a total of 1685 products shipped. Most of the requests have been made from Euskal Herria, but also sent to Catalonia, Galicia and other territories. Online shoppers will receive the purchase at home this week.

Its closure has been motivated and forward oriented 57. Durango Fair. Because, despite leaving behind the main edition, the fair will follow people to people You where, there IS! with the initiative. "132 establishments in Euskal Herria will be able to buy the literary news of the Fair, and this year the creators will also present their books in 45 bookstores." The list of shops and presentations can be found on the Durangoko Azoka website.

The following edition has also been dated since today: It will take place from 6 to 10 December 2023 58. Durango Fair.

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