PSOE leader Pedro Sánchez and UN leader Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, have signed the pre-agreement to form a coalition government next Tuesday at noon. The paper, composed of ten points, addresses issues such as feminism, anti-climate emergency policy or the right to housing, among others. has published that some sources indicate that Churches will be its vice-president, in a "Government of Progress" to which Sánchez has called, but which still has no representation. The clear occasion they had in May was blurred by the repeated elections, and now their aim is to obtain the support of various parliamentary groups. Citizens have made it clear that their party is not going to support a government in which these two parliamentary groups are integrated. It looks like the PNV is going to be an ally, and you have to see what HD can have Bildu.
Asteartean jakin da Espainiako hauteskundeak errepikatu egingo direla. Azaroaren 10ean boto-kutxen aurrean zita dute Hegoaldeko euskal herritarrek berriz ere eta aurre-kanpaina dagoeneko martxan dago. Politikariek esaten dutena gorabehera, hauteskunde horiei buruz ziur edo ziur... [+]
They seem to want us to get back into the whirlwind of elections, and I do not know, before we enter into that, we would not have to analyse what has come out of the cycle of the last elections and of the government formations clearly for the Basques. We have often heard that... [+]
Europako eta Espainiako Estatuko instituzio nagusiak osatu dira iragan hilabeteetan, baita foru eta udal erakundeak ere. Jule Goikoetxea filosofo politikoak eta irakasleak aztertu du azken hauteskundeen ondorengo erakundetze prozesua.
Espainiako Kongresuan izan dira bigarren egunez jarraian Turull, Rull, Sanchez eta Junqueras. Behin osatuta, Kongresuko mahaiak erabakiko du euren kargugabetzearen inguruan. Meritxell Batet, izendatu dute Kongresuko presidente .
Hauteskunde zikloan sartuta gaude bete-betean. Kanpainaz kanpaina pasatzen dira egunak. Eta, beraz, hilabete honetan, neuk ere Bilbo hiriari betaurreko elektoralekin begiratu nahi izan diot.
Zer ezkutatzen dute abstentzio datuek? Zerk eragin dezake, udal hauteskunde batzuetan, hiri bereko bi auzoren artean hamar puntuko aldea egotea? Zubiak Eraikiz plataforma eta Montera34 laborategia klase sozialen eta abstentzio mailaren arteko korrelazioa azaleratzeko ari dira... [+]
I had just been called a friend who knows the Jeltzales world to tell me about the outcome of the elections on 28 April. It is surprising: The PNV has obtained the best results in its history; nine senators, six deputies, that is, fifteen well-placed people in Madrid; in Álava... [+]