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Imanol Pradales hautagaia aurkeztu du EAJk Durangon, larunbatean, Landako gunean. EAJ / PNV

29 January 2024 - 16:00
Last updated: 2024-02-12 14:56:03
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The party that has been governing the last twelve years is committed to putting the “new force” in Osakidetza, although its advisors have suggested that things are not so bad. The president of the opposition, for his part, has claimed “to govern the most voted”, following the line that the PP has recently requested in Spain and thousands of times. And the other left of the opposition, in the form of jams, is given to the claxone between them, in the katramil.

Informal socialists as always: The PP, in Madrid, following the footsteps of Feijóo and Ayuso, fighting for sanchism, proclaims that they are “alternatives” to many attributes that can join the Basque Country, and its major enemies, except for the years when López was a candidate for lehendakari.

PNB: Are new faces new?

We can now officially say: Imanol Pradales will be the candidate for the presidency of the PNV. I'm sure it wasn't a performance act you wanted. Since 24 November it was known that the PNV had chosen to dispense with Urkullu, although we heard him that he could intend to follow. These statements by Urkullu could be extended for some time to blur, and why not, to hear by his mouth that he opposed the possibility of re-election of lehendakari, and in a few hours to chain Pradales’ candidature from EBB. But there were leaks in the media and everything that existed until then.

Since then they have acted against the clock, this has been noted and the announcement of the election date is being extended over time. It is falling too far – EH Bildu put on the table on 21 April. Urkullu was asked about that day. "Is it somebody's birthday? he answered and asked ironically. Well, yes. Pradales turns 49 on April 21. However, the date is still in the air; the elections for 21 April, Urkullu should publish the decree on 27 February. More than one can be made too long the pre-campaign and the subsequent bell.

More than one can pre-campaign too long

The PNV has presented the motto "The New Force" and the image of Pradales in Durango, in the center of Landako, showing its total compliance. In Osakidetza, it has become a “priority” and all the outbreaks have focused on it. Kuriously, the current government says that Osakidetza does not “work badly”. Of course we have to “improve” yes, adding “but no one is left unattended” as a final note.

Since Darpon had to resign as a result of opposition irregularities, the Department of Health is in a mess, obviously, and also Osakidetza. Murga, in a one-year office, ate the hardest months of the pandemic and was then replaced by Sagardui. The relationship between the trade unions and the Department is conflicting, workers' protests have intensified, complaints have intensified, not to mention those of citizens; before the pandemic, such demands were hardly heard before the pandemic. They denounce the "privatization of Osakidetza".

Like Sagardui, Pradales has approached the same wild when talking about Osakidetza: pandemic. We must not forget the bubble that exploded four years ago, says in ETB1. Since he was a candidate for Lehendakari, the first interview has been broadcast on Basque television, in Egun on the Basque Country; if the surveys had provided for a mental competence with the PSE-EE, perhaps they would not have done so in these ways.

The old, by the way. He asked whether he would like to go ahead with the Urdaibai Guggenheim project and answer with a clear "yes". Pradales seems to have more information on the subject than Urkullu.

EH Bildu: Open attitude in voting fishing

The sovereign coalition is geared towards future agreements, covenants and partnerships. It is curious that in recent days the following have been repeated twice: “Who governs the most voted and others should collaborate in it.” At the ceremony on Sunday we were aware that, thanks to the attack by a journalist, it referred to the number of seats and not to the votes. Because it is possible that nationalist votes prevail, for example, thanks to the Vizcaine side, but that EH Bildu gets more seats. In fact, each territory sends 25 representatives to the chamber of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and per population is not the same Álava as Bizkaia.

EH Bildu calls on the PNV to change "leadership models"

It's curious. In the electoral campaign of July of Spain, the PP was repeated several times that in a democracy commands democracy. That is, if the second and third most voted parties can reach an agreement and form a government, they have the legitimacy to do so. In Pamplona, what has happened is basically that. Of course, to cast UPN and gather all the opposition “for some things”.

The sovereigns will have to determine what those "things" are as the pre-campaign progresses. But he has already hooked the PNV, if the nationalists were the second force, to support EH Bildu’s candidature. Otxandiano believes that they can reach agreements in the Basque Country and the autonomous state.

PSE-EE: Reference in Madrid

“Andueza speaks every weekend,” Pradales said at ETB1. He has missed saying “long ago.” That’s right: in El Correo, which seems to be a spokesperson, the socialist leader of the Basque Country continues to emit weekly ruins. The last one is that Otxandiano extended his hand to Pradales. “Both want the Basque procés,” he said.

Despite the fact that in the last elections the PSE-EE took ten seats – 31 from the PNV and 21 from EH Bildu – in the Basque Parliament there is no political party that barges more than them with this presence. They know that they support the governance of the PNV. However, it should not be easy to position yourself when you are the third plate of citizenship and you do not have the possibility to get into the head. With the PNV, more with EH Bildu, the proposal to improve or do whatever Osakidetza is has not listened to the lehendakari candidate, has been limited to criticism and applauding the performances of the Madrid parties. The effort of persuasion has been made by Andueza, a reference to this article by Gorka Bereziartua.

But it goes on and on, even through the back door, contented by the nationalist: Andueza says that the transfers of competences that Urkullu wants in Lakua are on the way to the end of the legislature.

Elkarrekin We can (or Add or what will be): Only questioning signs

On 18 February Galicia will host elections in which it is not clear what they are going to do. And the campaign will start this week. This situation well explains the panorama of Podemos and the violet circle. Many militants have dispersed in fuchsia.

We can: Four candidates and no agreement at present

In an article we said in early November: Add the coalition in Madrid yes, but in Vitoria no. Things have not changed much since then. More names have emerged that can be candidates and continue to negotiate, but each maintains its own: We can refuse to reject Miren Gorrotxategi; Sumar has put Alba García on the table; Ezker Anitza IU has named Jon Hernández; and Berde-Equo has also been encouraged to speak and mentioned Carmen Muñoz.

They used to have six representatives, now they get less polls, and as Iñaki Iriondo said in Gara, they already have more lehendakari candidates than banks. They say that this week will be decisive: they want to determine the only candidate at the beginning of February.

PP (and buried C’s): Campaign in Madrid

Javier de Andrés, candidate of the PP, seems to want to copy the strategy of Isabel Díaz Ayuso and win votes against sanchism. But there's a difference. That PP mobilizations in Spain take place in Madrid and that Ayuso plays at home. Of course it has bigger speakers. There are almost 400 kilometers between Vitoria and Madrid.

Javier de Andrés has not yet heard of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. Perhaps you do not intend to do so. But what we have heard was Borja Sémper, also from Madrid, and how I speak: “I see the PNV lost the north, because EH Bildu has become the benchmark party.” They have said that, criticized for the policies of the PNV, they want to fish the most right-wing nationalists; along this road is the metaphor of the trainera to which Pradales referred in his presentation. "Rema, Euskadi".

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