The Public University of Navarra has been developing for years, together with the company Smart Talent Source, S.L., a system for detecting emotions through people's faces. With the excuse of this study, a facial recognition cameras have recently been launched on the campus of Pamplona (Navarra) at the entrance of the library.
"These cameras are yet another mechanism for the control of these students," said the University Forces Union in the light of the new measure: "[...] Through the cameras, students are directly monitored and their fundamental freedoms are violated". The "standardisation" of such mechanisms has been recognized by the UIB as "a dangerous precedent for the establishment of increasingly direct control".
The installation of face recognition cameras at the library entrance will "deny some students' access," according to UIB. "Students who do not study at public university will not have access to the service of the local library. This is therefore a violation of the right conditions to learn," he says.
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