The Amillubi Taupaka project was first presented on December 1 in Azpeitia (here is the chronicle by Uztarria). ARGIA will be publishing a special report on Amillubi this week.
On Friday, 8 December, citizens will be able to learn more about the Amillubi project: It will take place at the Durango Fair at 15:30 in the area of Talaia.
This project, which aims to work in practice the food sovereignty strategy, should raise 390,000 euros in the next two years for the acquisition of land and dwellings located in the Iraeta district of the municipality of Zestoa and for the repair of the dwellings (according to the municipal toponimia, this area is "Amilibia"). A financial contribution can already be made in the collection campaign launched with Coop57.
The Durango fair offers the possibility to redeem these gifts for the Amillubi bonolagogy. All of them have illustrations developed by Ione Larrago for the Amillubi project: bookmarks (with aid of 10 euros), notebook (with aid of 50 euros) and plate (with aid of 100 euros).
They have also taken raffles to promote Amillubi and will have a very special prize. Three prizes of five people each will be distributed, enjoying: "Food at the Txindurri Iturri Plantation in Itziar + 1 Earth Connection Session in Amillubi with Enekoach." The humorous monologue of Antton Telleria.