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Unchosen solitude

  • According to the State Observatory of Unchosen Solitude, in 2023, at least 13% of the population has felt an unchosen solitude.

26 January 2024 - 06:23

Unchosen loneliness is the subjective feeling experienced when a person does not have sufficient social interactions or these are not sufficiently of quality or according to their social needs and expectations.

It affects all ages, but mainly 22% of adolescents and young people and 12% of the elderly. In addition, it has a great influence on immigrants, people with disabilities and caregivers.

The factors that most influence are, for example, living alone or away from the family, staying in the ballast stages of the room, having a low income, feeling that you only have time to work, having to worry about caring for others and, therefore, having little time to relate to people and having health problems.

Unchosen loneliness can have some effects on metal health, such as anxiety, depression, violent attitudes, alcohol dependence and suicide.

The Observatory warns that although there may be a link between unchosen solitude and social isolation, it should not be confused. Social isolation is the obvious lack of objectively measurable social contacts.

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