The foreign journalist who contributes the most to spreading the “good name” of Spain will receive 12,000 euros. Another 12,000 will be pocketed by the writer of the “best article” on Spain’s foreign policy in the written press. And another 12,000 will be devoted to the introduction of radio or television programmes of the same concept.
The awards have quickly received strong criticism, including the article by Graham Keeley in the British newspaper The Times. Keeley is, in fact, the correspondent of this newspaper in Madrid and has clearly expressed his position: “Spain will not improve its image by donating money to journalists” is the title of the article published on Wednesday.
Keeley explains that journalists like to win awards: “They massage our weak egos.” But in this case, a self-respecting correspondent has declared that it is a prize that he would not want to win, even if the economic amount is not a joke.
Alemaniako Poliziak asteleheneko gertakariaren arrazoiak "politikoak" zirela baztertu duen arren, 35 urteko Alexander Scheuermann Ring Bund talde neonaziko kide zen. Bi hildako eta hamar zauritu utzi dituen atentatuaren egileak sare sozialetan "gorroto mezuak"... [+]
Hemendik aurrera egunkarian soilik "norbanakoen askatasuna eta merkatu librea" sustatzen dituzten iritziak jasoko direla adierazi du enpresaburuak. Iritzi artikuluen zuzendariak hedabidea utzi duela ere argitaratu du.
Mujeres RTVE plataformak, zeinak Espainiako Estatuko komunikabide publikoko emakumezko langileak biltzen dituen, korporazioaren baitan ematen den informazioaren manipulazioa salatzeko kanpaina bat abiatu du sarean #AsíSeManipula traolarekin. Komunikabide... [+]