The Spanish Constitutional Court has rejected the appeal brought by the PP, so the 2010 law continues. Seven judges have stood in favor of the law, voting against the PP’s appeal, and four have voted against.
According to the 2010 law, abortion is free until week 14 and between week 14 and week 22 if the life or health of the pregnant woman is at risk or the fetus suffers an anomaly. If incurable diseases or malformations are found incompatible with life, there is no time to abort (in the latter case, the option is studied by a medical committee). The PP intended to put this system of deadlines into value, but the Spanish Constitutional Court has opposed it.
In addition to the deadlines, the PP has questioned the issue of minors in their appeal: the law implies a way to abort children under 16 without the consent of their parents (with the obligation to inform the parents of minors of abortion). This has also been approved by the Spanish Constitutional Court.
A few weeks ago we heard Trump in the televised debate on the existence in his country of democratic states that authorize abortion after the birth of his son.
Judging by the character, it seems an absurd and improvised idea, but that same falsehood was heard in 2019 by Adolfo... [+]
Abortuaren eskubidea Frantziako konstituzioan sartu da aste honetan. Baina abortatzeko eskubidea ez da gaur goizeko afera. Jadanik 1970. hamarkadaren hasieran mugimendu azkarrak izan ziren eskubide horren erdiesteko Ipar Euskal Herrian.
Espainiako Estatuan Abortuaren aurkako lobbyak Abortuaren Legea erausteko beste saiakera bat egiten ari dira Gaztela eta Leonen. Hango gobernukide den Vox-ek iragarri du abortatu nahi duten emakumeei fetuaren taupadak entzunarazi edota ekografiak ikusaraziko dien protokoloa... [+]
This provocator against abortion wears a large wooden cross with a well-known Francoist motto written to show “in procession” that an ultra group wanted to do until the Askabide clinic last May in Donostia. This claim has been used by the sectors of Vox and the extreme right... [+]