It has done a severe drought and has done violent verotes. I have heard a single pastor of Xubero Basaburua who this year has made more than a hundred trunks of wine or a punpula of field [grass ball]. Most of the others, from the shore to the slopes of Madalena, the roofs of the illuminated fields, the flanks are still burned with thirst for mocos, fields and orchards. On the contrary, everything that is bought outside the house in the fire, which increases the market, the consequence of all kinds of desiccation, as increases that of the warrior, in fuels and in raw materials.
To all the women and all the men who work on earth and in growth that excites Atxi, atxik, dudak, desperate...! Alone for a thousand clusters, the Frangos already know unsustainable times for their hacienda. They have been overcome many times thanks to their help or to the solidarity of their neighbours. There are always better times after an era of tiredness, if each one is positively associated with his, if one is forbidden to eat each other from the top, if the law and the goal is to act together.
Atxik, atxik, the ELB trade union! For four decades, the union has fought for raw material suppliers, farmers and breeders. Milk and meat depend more on the market and industry than on other products. The market can be corrected by laws and government representatives. Dairy and meat industries are owned by employers. The ELB is designed to advance with others in the game of force, in favor of the ttipi and medium peasants, to be a plural group of farms to feed and make our country live.
Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeen kanpaina abiatu da. Urtarrilaren 14an bozetara aurkezten diren hiru sindikatuen ordezkariekin bi oreneko eztabaida sakona antolatu zuten Euskal Hedabideek, osoki euskaraz.
Ostegun arratsean abiatu da Lurrama, Bidarteko Estian egin den mahai-inguru batekin. Bertan, Korsika eta Euskal Herriaren bilakaera instituzionala jorratu dute. Besteak beste, Peio Dufau diputatua eta Jean René Etxegarai, Euskal Hirigune Elkargoko lehendakaria, bertan... [+]
The two main voters in Kanbo (the mayor and the prime minister) are the rabid ones. Three citizens have been beaten with a plainta, for protesting in favour of the eviction of the neighbor Marienea.Es the second time that, at 06:00 in the morning, they take us out of bed (with... [+]