In order to make Asturian an official language, the demonstrators have called for a revision of the autonomy statute of Asturias. Xoxe Condel, spokesperson for the popular platform for the Asturian language, says that the Asturian language has “multiple” support to become official and that if the authorities want it, the language is an issue that must be addressed “right now”.
Several prominent members of political parties and trade union leaders attended the demonstration. For example, Ramón Argüelles, Chief Secretary of the UIA of Asturias, points out that these proclamations are not contrary to the Spanish language and must be protected as a heritage. “Without opposing anyone, we must defend the Asturian language and for this it is necessary to put clear political plans on the table for the Asturian language to become official.”
On the other hand, the Asturian and Galician official languages spoken in the regions of Eo and Navia have also been proclaimed.
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