Alvaro Queipo, a parliamentarian of the pp in the Asturias Parliament, made his speech in the Galician language used in some areas of Asturias. As he spoke, the VOX parliamentarian, Ignacio Blanco, has stood up and said that he "understood nothing" of what was happening. At that time, Parlament President Marcelino Marcos (PSOE) forced him to speak in a "language understandable to all".
The newspaper Sermos Galiza has reported that the debate has taken place in parallel with the controversy. The UN parliamentarians Podemos, IU and PSOE have shown their support for the pp militancy. In Asturias there are about 40,000 people who speak this language and it has spread across several counties.
Here’s the time when you’ve been forced to change your language:
Look at what arrogance this Member of Parliament has been cut off from speaking of the Galician speaking in a part of Asturias. The most supremacist of the Spaniards is unbearable.
— Lander Arbelaitz (@larbelaitz) November 28, 2019
Video: @ivanllera
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