Along with the note sent to ARGIA by a group of citizens, a 22-page document was sent which is contrary to the project, which should be presented as an allegation. The impact of this new train path is analysed in detail, including the following:
This is a section of 7.15 kilometers between Martutene and the Mendin Berri urbanization of Oiartzun.
The demolition of the Okondotegi village, which the Basque Government has declared as a Cultural Heritage, will take place in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
They propose to expand the connection in Astigarraga and to create a second link in Oiartzun, building a new link of 3.2 kilometers of connection with the current railway network, starting from the vicinity of the Mendin Berri urbanization and towards Lezo-Gaintxurizketa.
In Oiartzun they have denounced the visual and acoustic impact that the Ugaldetxo area will have, as it is intended to build a viaduct of 328 meters in length and 30 meters in height on the Oiartzun River.
Prior to San Marcos it had already been announced that instead of a 2,9-kilometre tunnel, a 5,6-kilometre tunnel will be built, and that in Lezo-Gaintxurizketa it is intended to connect with the port of Pasaia.
The Gaintxurizketa section will affect the one-hectare organic orchards that have been launched in recent years to boost young farmers.
A total of 15 possible sites have been identified for the deposit of the 1,590,000 cubic metres of land to be extracted from the tunnels of Andoain, Astigarraga, Martutene, Hernani and Oiartzun.
It affects the Urumea River.
The Member of Gipuzkoa has announced that many buildings will be expropriated.
They have therefore asked the authorities to "put this work aside" and to use the existing railway network. The document contained in this link must be printed, signed and sent by registered mail to the following address:
Department of Railway Planning
Plaza de los sagrados Corazón, 7
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We have been with the "summer snake" over the TAV for a few weeks and with the possibility of linking the "Basque Y" from Pamplona, from Ezkio or Vitoria.
It is disappointing to see that our People continue to depend on decisions concerned and not supported by the galgos and... [+]
In the spring of last year, in Sakana, in Izan and Goierri, flooding was introduced in the municipalities of these areas for the conduct of geological surveys for the works of the TAV. In the canyoning 15 surveys have been requested in the municipalities, from Erro to Olazti /... [+]
Although immersed in an unprecedented eco-social crisis, the administration continues at all costs with the work of the TAV, destroying the territory and squandering the resources essential to social needs. The works of the Castejón Bridge and the Tafalla Campanas subsection,... [+]
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