Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

From Monday the students of Araba and Bizkaia also have school transportation

  • The Department of Education and the transport companies agree to start a conversation to define the conditions of service. Meanwhile, companies will follow the same routes as last year, under the same economic conditions as last year.

18 September 2023 - 07:58
Last updated: 11:11
Gasteizko zenbait guraso-elkartek elkarretaratzea egin zuten ostiralean, zerbitzua eskatzeko. (Argazkia: Alea)

As of Monday, students from Araba and Bizkaia have the school transport service again. The Department of Education and transport companies have agreed to resume the conversation and companies will offer the same routes last year under the economic conditions of the previous year, today.

The interview will determine the conditions of school transportation to agree on corrective measures. In addition, the Department of Education will soon launch a tender process for the remaining itineraries for the course 2024-2025.

At the beginning of the course, 7,000 students from Araba and Bizkaia have not received transport services. At the beginning of the year many of the itineraries were not tendered in the competition called by the Basque Government: In Álava 5% of the tours were tendered, in Bizkaia none and in Gipuzkoa 98%. Thus, the Department of Education wanted to force companies to carry out last year's tours, but they were planted.

To request the service, demonstrations were held last week in places like Vitoria-Gasteiz, Ayala and Añana.

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