- Monday 4 November at 19:00: "Analyzing the Youth Organization from generation to generation. 40 years of chronicle."
- Tuesday, 5 November at 19:00: "Young people and I play. What's behind betting houses? ". From the hand of Eragin and Igor Meltxor.
- Wednesday, 6 November at 19:00h: "LGTB and anticapitalism." From the hand of the Harro platform
- Thursday, 7 November, 19:00h: Olympics.
- Friday, 8 November, 19:00h: Presentation and debate of the short films "Homoamak", "Sin mas" and "Bocakalle" from the hand of the company Neuke Produkzioak.
- Saturday, 9 November: Gastronomy Championship. Then, at 20:00 in the afternoon, the Zazkel group, in collaboration with the Aizkorak Zorroztu & The Mia Wallace group, will present its album "Ezpata dantza".
- Sunday 10 November at 10:30 a.m.: Mountain march to Mount Pagasarri.
In addition to the programme, throughout the week you will be able to enjoy the exhibition of the works of the Basque political prisoners that will be presented on the Bilbao Day of Solidarity on 30 November.
Pasa den urriaren 30ean, Portugaleteko Sastraka Gaztetxeko bederatzi lagun auzipetu zituzten. Handik egun batzuetara Portugaleteko kaleak hartu zituzten hainbat lagunek gaztetxearen defentsan. Bi egun geroago, fiskalak karguak kendu zituen.
Isabelle Pargade Hazparneko auzapezak ofizialki eman dizkio Ttattola gaztetxeari lokal berriaren gakoak. Bien arteko negoziaketa luze batzuen ondorio da.