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On Monday! Sloth after party

04 September 2024 - 00:15
Le Grand Saint Lundi (1837). Jean Wendling.

In recent years, on a Monday in January, social and news networks remind us that it is the saddest day of the year in the hemisphere norte.Es Blue Monday, because in English the adjective blue means sad and sad. Commentators who have not found any other news to fill the new newsroom tell each year that it is a scientifically proven fact, which is calculated by a supposed mathematical formula that takes into account the days remaining for the end of Christmas, the time and the next holiday. But this stupidity only originates from a 2005 advertising campaign by the British travel agency Sky Travel.

Unfortunately, in these times when we have forgotten the traditions of the labour movement, the commercial Blue Monday darkened the original Blue Monday, which was very different. At least since the Middle Ages, the practice of European craftsmen and workers to extend the holiday to Monday after the Sunday break has been documented. On Monday they also wanted to rest and celebrate to spend on drinks and food the money they had earned last week. This custom was widespread and was a gesture of resistance against the severe discipline of the masters. In Germany it was called Blauer Montag (Blue Monday) and in other languages it was called the celebration of San Monday (San Monday, Saint Lundi, Saint Monday,...). In the early 20th century, these kinds of blinds were still common in many places. EP. Thompson, for example, collected customs, anecdotes and songs about Monday's labor inactivity by investigating the 18th and 19th century working class.

Blue Monday: What was a celebration and disobedience, they have made it a sad day and deprimente.El old Blauer Montag was an evasion, while the new Blue Monday condemns us to accept the situation and binds us to apathy. They remind us that it is the saddest Monday of the year, but we are not able to deceive or escape, as if we lost hope of escaping the slavery of capital. But I'm afraid not. What do you think is the saddest Monday in January or September? Like the workers of then, I would prolong my holiday, but not a day, but an entire month! Long live the blue Mondays!

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