On Friday the great news took place in Durango (Bizkaia): There, a new gaztetxe has been opened. The Kaletik Gaztetxe assembly has sacrificed the building that formerly belonged to Correos, in front of the City Hall, and has made it a Gaztetxe. The Assembly has been fighting for a space for about a year, but since the City Hall has not given it "the guarantee of achieving a space that meets the needs of young people", it has decided to take a step. "From past experiences we have learned that we cannot wait for the promises of the municipalities," he explained on Friday.
Since the Gaztetxe de Durango was announced, many people have approached the area. On Saturday morning, members of the assembly held an information meeting on the details of the Gaztetxe and several cultural activities were organized for that day. The bertsolaris Oihana Bartra and Gorka Pagonabarraga sang at noon in a bertso-poteo that started ahead of the Gaztetxe, while the members of the MX3 project Idoia Asurmendi, Chill Mafia and Malakias offered musical performances at night.
Iruñerrian bat egin dute hainbat Gazte Asanbladak, Burlatako Gaztetxearen alde. Etxarriren desalojoa gelditzera deitzeko, bestalde, manifestazio bat antolatu dute Bilbon hilaren 28rako.
Asteburu honetan hasiko da Gaztetxeak Bertsotan egitasmo berria, Itsasun, eta zazpi kanporaketa izango ditu Euskal Herriko ondorengo hauetan: Hernanin, Mutrikun, Altsasun, Bilboko 7katun eta Gasteizen. Iragartzeko dago oraindik finala. Sariketa berezia izango da: 24 gaztez... [+]
Festa egiteko musika eta kontzertu eskaintza ez ezik, erakusketak, hitzaldiak, zine eta antzerki ikuskizunak eta zientoka ekintza kultural antolatu dituzte eragile ugarik Martxoaren 8aren bueltarako. Artikulu honetan, bilduma moduan, zokorrak gisa miatuko ditugu Euskal Herriko... [+]