The feminists of the Basque Country met in Oñati on 11 and 12 June in a meeting organized by Bilgune Feminist. Under the motto "Shaking the explosion", they have filled with activity on the weekend. They celebrate their 20th anniversary and confirm that they continue in the same foundational spirit.
In addition to workshops and conferences, in Oñati they have also had concerts and a festive atmosphere. Putting lives at the centre is a matter of sovereignty, Saturday morning began the weekend with the “travelling round table”. They talked about the mission they've had from the very beginning: Feminist Sovereignty. After the meal there were numerous workshops and conferences to reflect, learn and share opinions and knowledge.
The music, the bertso, the theater, the dance, the sound… were present in workshops and performances. The book Bursts was also presented, which with the intervention of Arantza Santesteban saw the film 918. Feminism addressed issues such as the sheterorule, the feminist perspective of conflict, care, ecofeminism, intersectionality, etc. All attendees met at 21:00 at the central event. Then they had the opportunity to enjoy the party at the rhythm of the following groups: Ginger (punk group from Zarautz), IRA (rap group from Madrid), Chocolate Remix (Argentinian group of reggaetones) and DJ Miau (basques) to end the night.
On Sunday morning the collective of artisan women Dinagu put the market and was also a ball shop. To finish the day and with it the meeting this year, after the popular meal, Anari offered a concert. So, Topagune Feminist has been a space for reflection, but they have emphasized that it has been a weekend of reward and celebration of feminists especially.
Reading of the interview conducted by Jenofa Berhokoirigoin with the different generations of Bilgune Feminist within the 20th anniversary: "We had the north, but we've dared to go one more lap."
On March 8, the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country announced a strike in favor of the public care system for the fall, as care cannot remain business. Now, through the streets, through the neighborhoods, through the villages, you have to articulate the movement of that... [+]
Hogei urte beteko ditu aurten Bilgune Feministak, eta urtemugaren ospakizunari merezi duen tokia egin diote urteko eginbeharren zerrendan. 20 urtez paradisuak erretzen... Eztandak dardara gaitzala lelopean, datozen hilabeteetan hainbat herritan ospakizun ekimenak egiteko asmoa... [+]