In September last year, the Greek Government passed the so-called Georgiadis Act, by a majority of the government party New Democracy (ND). Among the measures included in the labour reform, a number of changes related to working time are being encouraged, expanding the number of working hours applicable to public and private sector workers, which have recently entered into force.
In theory, workers will be able to increase their working hours in sectors with a "constant" workflow. This workflow would be reflected, for example, in the work rotation or in the need for specific "punctual" efforts for "specific needs". However, trade unions have repeatedly denounced that this definition is very uncertain and confusing.
In order to justify the reform, the Conservative Government of Kyriákos Mitsotákis has apologised for "improving competitiveness" and for dealing with the "lack of qualified staff". At the moment, the reform has begun to be implemented in industry and to increase working time, in particular in workplaces that operate 24 hours a day. The Georgiadis Act, in itself, contradicts some collective labour agreements, which are not many after the policies of cutbacks and austerity of the Troika.
Companies have the capacity to increase the working hours of their workers since 1 July, imposing a sixth working day a week. Workers do not have the right to give up the additional working day. For the time being, this change is the first that is being implemented in production plants, but it is not the only measure that contemplates and allows for labor reform.
In addition to the legalisation of the sixth working day, employers have extended the possibility of extending the daily working day. In addition, a second full-time work (eight hours) is permitted, but with a maximum of five hours a day, part-time. In this way, and taking into account both jobs, it will be legal for a worker to perform thirteen hours a day. This practice, which has so far also been common, was not legalised.
By the way, the reform will facilitate dismissal and "demand-driven" employment of workers. Employers may dismiss a worker during the first year of their employment contract without notice and without entitlement to compensation. And to the controversial "demand-side jobs", Greece's new package of measures, for its part, will provide them with a legal framework. The political rights of workers will also be attacked: pickets will be punished more severely, with sentences of up to six months in prison.
For the time being, the measure linked to the sixth working day has begun to be implemented. It is to be hoped that the reform will progressively establish the rest of the practices it allows.
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