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Israeli soldiers acknowledge shooting Palestinian civilians "even to fight boredom"

  • Soldiers deployed from Gaza have recognized that there are no criteria on the spot for firing into jihadism. The Zionist army fires the houses and leaves the bodies on the ground, all with the approval of the commanders.

11 July 2024 - 09:30
Last updated: 15:09
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Israeli media +972 and Local Call have spoken to the six soldiers who have just returned from being active in Gaza and have confirmed the testimonies of Palestinian witnesses and doctors who have declared genocide. Soldiers have reported that they have been given permission to shoot the Palestinians and civilians at will, according to official sources. The demonstrators have warned that there is a systematic policy to incentivise the homes of the Palestinians after their occupation. The Zionist Army has killed 38,295 Palestinians and injured 88,241 since at least 7 October, but the deaths are expected to be many more.

The Zionist soldiers have described a landscape full of dead Palestinian bodies and have recognised that they have been left in the street for the animals to devour them. The Israeli army “hid the corpses”, only when humanitarian aid convoys arrived, “so that the images of the rotting corpses would not go abroad.”

Sources have pointed out that soldiers have "total freedom of action," "without any rules," and have stated that they have "total freedom of action." Faced with the slightest sense of threat “there is no need to explain, shoot and suffice”. Anyone can shoot, according to the soldiers, “a young girl, an old woman, doesn’t care.” Faced with the difficulty of distinguishing between civilian Palestinians and Palestinian resistance fighters, they attack anyone. “All men between the ages of 16 and 50 are considered terrorists.” As you have explained, it is forbidden to travel on the streets of the city, and anyone outside is suspected. “If you see someone looking out the window, he’s suspicious and you shoot him.”

Soldiers have acknowledged that being able to shoot at will has allowed them to survive boredom and leave the “daily routine”. This type of shootings is called “normal action,” and soldiers have warned that this is a name of code, which really means “I’m bored, so I throw.” All acts are permitted by commanders.

According to media +972, the
Israeli Army has not made public the criteria for shooting since 1980, despite the fact that the Israeli Court of Justice has already asked it on several occasions. According to Israeli sociologist and political scientist Yagil Levy, the Army has not given written instructions to soldiers since the second intifada and leaves open the interpretation for soldiers and commanders on the ground.

The Zionist soldiers who have spoken now claim that the flexibility of the criteria has meant that, in addition to killing thousands of Palestinians, the number of Israeli soldiers killed "by the fire of the same party" is very high.

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