Four friends are detained early in the morning in Baiona, Itsasun and Angelu. They are arrested on charges of taking part in a real estate event in Anglet in December 2022.
Demonstration at noon, afternoon appointment
At noon, dozens of people have held a demonstration at the Baiona police station to demand the freedom of the detainees and have finally cut off the road. “We have blocked the road, first by blocking Mahrum Street and now we block Paulmy Avenue in two senses until the detainees are released,” Ostia said. the collective. The group has expressed its intention to continue fighting and has launched a new call for the afternoon: "We followed the struggle for Marienia, she quoted for her often at 7 in the village house of Cambo! ".
Lurraren alde borrokan dabilen orok begi onez hartu du Frantziako Legebiltzarrak laborantza lurren babesteko lege-proposamenaren alde bozkatu izana. Peio Dufau diputatu abertzaleak aurkezturiko testua da, eta politikoa eta sentimentala juntaturik, hemizikloan Arbonako okupazioa,... [+]
203 diputatu alde eta hiru aurka agertu dira martxoaren 11 gauean egin bozketan. Higiezinen agentziak haserre agertu dira, eta bi salaketa aurkeztu ditu FAIN Frantziako Higiezinen Federazio Nazionalak Europako Batzordean. Bata, lege-proposamenari esker botere gehiago jasoko... [+]
The two main voters in Kanbo (the mayor and the prime minister) are the rabid ones. Three citizens have been beaten with a plainta, for protesting in favour of the eviction of the neighbor Marienea.Es the second time that, at 06:00 in the morning, they take us out of bed (with... [+]
Kanboko Marieniako higiezin proiektuaren kontra bildu dira elkarte eta herritarrak larunbat honetan. Larunbatean, mahai inguru eta tailerren bidez herritarrak sentsibilizatu nahi izan dituzte Bouygues Immobilier agentziaren proiektuaren desmasiez.
The devastating trend to the cement business does not cease in Berango, and we are currently experiencing two important moments. On the one hand, the date for the forced emptying of Otxantegi is set: 23 November. On the other hand, the procedure for starting works on the... [+]
The French State Council has decided that the Earth Survey should eliminate the destruction of the network. Although it is confirmed that this movement causes "violence against goods", the legalization would not be "an appropriate, necessary and adapted measure". It is good news for... [+]