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"The people and the government will not tolerate any step backwards."

  • ARGIA spoke to the brigadists of the internationalist group Askapena, who are in Venezuela, about the situation and the future after the elections.

08 August 2024 - 12:00
Guasdualiton (Venezuela), Askapenako brigadistak. Argazkia: Askapena

Following the presidential elections on 28 July, the streets of Venezuela have been the scene of numerous demonstrations by both Chavists and opponents. The National Electoral Council of Venezuela indicated that the Grand Patriotic Pole of Nicolás Maduro won the elections with 51.2% of the votes and the opposition with 44.2%, but opposition leaders Edmundo González and María Corina Machado stated that “the opposition got 67% of the votes” and “Maduro 30%”. At the international level, such as the European States and the United States, electoral records have been requested to be published, and the Venezuelan High Court of Justice will open a "process of analysis of the recorded material" within a maximum period of 15 days, which can be extended. ARGIA has spoken to the Askapena brigadists who are in Venezuela, and have made known their experiences in recent days.

Guarimbas, ignorance and tension

Before the presidential elections on July 28, the atmosphere in the streets of Venezuela was "quiet" and, although they have ensured that the police presence was evident, no incident was detected. They have assured that they had "doubts" about what they would be, but they have assured that they have had the opportunity to talk to the Chavist militants and opponents.

On July 29, after the elections, they pointed out that guarimbas, a term used in Venezuela to refer to street barricades or roadblocks, existed. “That was what was expected. We knew that this was going to exist and there were actions planned by the opposition, it was their strategy,” said a brigadist from Askapena. They have underlined the “tension” and that they were at home for two days without leaving, because of that “lack of knowledge” of what was going to happen in the coming days. However, they have pointed out that, compared to some of the guarimbas of the previous year, this year has been one day, compared to the six months of another year. “There were very few people on the street, out of ignorance, out of fear, there was a lot of police and an army on the street, and there were also some clashes,” they said. They have also indicated that "very long queues" have been registered in supermarkets and the need to come in the first hour of the morning to get food.

As of July 29, "every day there were quite many demonstrations by Chavism and Maduro", have stated that comparing what happened in Venezuela with what has been said on social networks, it is "contradictory" and "false" in social networks. Although they have stressed that the largest guarimba was that of July 29, they have assured that there have also been "spot" guarimbas like those of Alcorcón. "The opposition had planned to throw a grenade at a hospital. The sculptures of Chávez have also been broken,” said a brigadist.

“The people and government of Venezuela will not accept setbacks”

The Askapena brigadists have stressed that what will happen in the future will be conditioned by "the decisions taken by the government and by international interests", although they have now said that what will happen is not known. In recent days a member of Askapena has referred to the discrepancies between the United States and Venezuela: "Maduro said that if the United States accepted Edmundo as president, it would have to modify its oil agreements and that that oil would have to sell it to Brics, the international economic organization that encompasses Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, among others. After that, the United States has lagged behind, and that’s why Argentina too.”

Askapena has pointed out that “it is clear that the Venezuelan people and government will not accept setbacks” and has stressed that when guarimbas have been created “the Chavista people have gone to the streets to resist and to exercise their right to self-defence”. “It is clear that it is a people prepared for the struggle, that for the future this people will continue fighting and that it is very clear that its path is the Bolivarian revolution,” said a brigadist.

Changes in initial planning

The brigadists say that because of the guarimbos and the “security” that have taken place, they had to change the planning: “On Tuesday we were willing to go to Five Community Fortresses and cut off the road, there were protests in Caracas and around, and because of that insecurity we were told to stay in Caracas.” However, they stressed that they have participated in the marches for Chavism and that they have met with "different social and social actors" to denounce the death. "What we have to do is for all countries to maintain and assume what the people have voted. We want to spread this discourse in Euskal Herria,” said a brigadist.

As Askapena has collected on his website, one of his objectives is to make from Euskal Herria an “internationalist solidarity” to the peoples and struggles of the world. Asked about their roles and aspirations, Askapena brigadists have stated that in Venezuela “the internationalist people and support for resistance”. “Our intention and our mission is, above all, to make our people known, Euskal Herria, and to disseminate who we are and what realities and movements we have,” they stressed.

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