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Saran and Zugarramurdi complain about a road construction project on Mount Arxuria

  • The construction of the road aims to benefit the private company Bidasoa Arxuria Group, dedicated to the Delta and Paragliding slopes. Despite opposition from the neighbours and elected officials of Zugarramurdi and Sara, the Baztan City Hall has voted in favour of road construction.  

05 October 2023 - 15:18

Baztan City Hall voted on 28 September in favour of the construction of a one-kilometre road on Mount Arxuria (the only one that voted against was EH Bildu). The vote has caused amazement and outrage to the residents and elected officials of Sara and Zugarramurdi who are not part of the Baztan City Hall: "Baztan City Hall does not replace us, but with this project the peoples of Zugarramurdi and Sara will be harmed, not them." The lack of consideration of their opinion has been described as "disrespect" and "unacceptable" by the inhabitants of the surrounding Arxuria.

In Zugarramurdi, the construction of the road, road traffic and the slopes of delta and paragliding of the mountain summit would cause environmental damage, in the quality of life of Sara and Zugarramurdi and in local agriculture, have held a press conference this Thursday to make known their discomfort and concerns.

For the benefit of a private enterprise

They do not accept the decision to build for the benefit of the private company Bidasoa Arxuria Group, which proposes delta and paragliding flights. In addition, they were surprised by the vote, as in August the head of the Bidasoa Arxuria Group, Jorge Ibargoien, assured them that he would do it to the liver: "If citizenship doesn't agree, we're not going to do it." As the project goes ahead, citizenship will be mobilized. First demonstration in Elizondo on 21 October.

Sara and Zugarramurdi County Houses will also develop ways to stop the project. Thus, Sara's hillside of Mount Arxuria is protected by the Natura 2000 classification. Thus, in the name of the environment and the working conditions of its farmers, the village house of Sara will ban the landing of parapentists and the delta wing.

Mass tourism

The morning press conference also referred to the mass tourism suffered by Zugarramurdi. Warn that this new road will worsen the situation: "These great tourist flows will extend to our mountains, enabling their easy access to the hull of Arxuria. The invasion of our people will spread through our mountains, trails and skies."

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