Concert tribute to Kepa Junkera at the Getxo Folk festival.
When: 13 September.
Where: Muxikebarri room. (Algorta)
It's 19:40 hours at the box office of the Muxikebarri center in Algorta. I have approached the entrance and heard how the woman in front of me asks for her entrance: “Four entries for Kepa Junkera.” Then inform the worker on the other side of the glass window: Mary Junkera, sister of Peter. That is when I thought about the contradiction of a performance I was going to see for the first time: the artist, the protagonist of that night, will not be on the stage. Pedro's relatives, and perhaps Kepa himself, will be among the public during the performance.
Kepa Junkera, where will he be? How is it going to be? I thought so. The answer came to me immediately after crossing the gates of Muxikebarri. The image has looked bittersweet to me, the contrast is huge. The images of the six Kepa Junkera concerts at the Getxo Folk are hanging from a black cloth. Energy soaked, with trikitixa on your hands and smile on your mouth. In front of the mosaic is the present Kepa Junkera. After the stroke suffered in 2018, the musician is in a wheelchair and a kiss dress. Today, in the hands of another, in voice and in body, viewers will live the music of Kepa Junkera. Also the artist himself.
HAUsPOZ aims to highlight the figure of the musician Kepa Junkera, that is, to pay tribute to the musician. I have just found my seat, what is the right way to create a tribute concert even if the goal is clear?
HAUsPOZ has begun to rise the curtain. Local and local artists have interspersed in an hour-and-a-half-long show. Here is the answer to my question: an artist does not pay tribute following a selection of significant pieces created by himself. An artist is honored using the essence, understanding the direction of his contribution. Tradition, modernity, roots and alliances come together on stage: The albokari Ibon Koteron, the txalapartaris Oreka TX, Agurtzane and Ion Elustondo, the Galician singer Uxia, the Pandereteras of the Barrio, the dancers of the Kukai group… Gradually, the intensity of the performance has increased and, in the end, the force has increased considerably.
21:20 h. Ten minutes left to complete the performance. How does a concert end in tribute to Kepa Junkera? The answer has come to my ears: - Spok. And I don't know if we're going to listen to Kepa Junkera again playing Messenger-Spok, but we all see Kepa Junkera every time we listen to Messenger-Spok. And then yes. Kepa Junkera appears onstage. The public welcomes him warmly. Pedro's music has taken the stage and finally Kepa has been on the stage.
Itoiz, udako sesioak filma estreinatu dute zinema aretoetan. Juan Carlos Perez taldekidearen hitz eta doinuak biltzen ditu Larraitz Zuazo, Zuri Goikoetxea eta Ainhoa Andrakaren filmak. Haiekin mintzatu gara Metropoli Foralean.
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