A press conference was held today, Sunday, to denounce the police repression in La Rochelle. They were reportedly wounded and expressed their solidarity and support for them. They denounce that the purpose of VOX is to normalize its presence and its message, and warn that they will not accept this in Rochapea.
They accuse the Spanish government of supporting fascism through repression and insist that they will continue to mobilize against authoritarianism.
Martxoak 8a heltzear da beste urtebetez, eta nahiz eta zenbaitek erabiltzen duten urtean behin beren irudia morez margotzeko soilik, feministek kaleak aldarriz betetzeko baliatzen dute egun seinalatu hau. 2020an, duela bost urte, milaka emakumek elkarrekin oihukatu zuten euren... [+]
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.