The accident occurred early in the afternoon and, according to Osalan, a piece of a hydraulic press was released that worked and hit the operator hard on the chest. He was taken to Cruces Hospital where he died a few hours later.
The worker was 51 years old and had been working in this company for two decades. He was a member of the Union of Labour Unions. This union calls for an in-depth work investigation to learn how the accident has happened and shows condolences to family members and other workers.
ELA denounces that precariousness and lack of investment by employers in preventive matters must be behind this type of occupational death. The union has also denounced the Basque Government because it “does not put in place effective means to deal with the real social ills of work accidents”.
LAB considers that “the worker has died of failure by the company to comply with the machinery regulations. Taking out a piece released during press handling indicates a lack of security. All risks arising from a machine must be foreseen and measures must be taken for each of them.”
On Monday two wounded in Pipes United
On 20 February two workers from Pine Facilities and Assemblies also suffered an accident while working at the Amurrio Reunited Tubes plant. One of them was transferred to Cruces Hospital with severe burns and although life is not in danger, it will have serious consequences and the healing process will last a long time. The other worker's wounds were milder and after the cures carried out in the workshop he was sent home.
In order to denounce the accident and show solidarity with his colleagues, the Pine Facilities and Assembly Works Committee will be held this Friday at 14:30 pm at the Ugaldeguren II Industrial Estate in Zamudio.
Since the beginning of the year, eight workers have died while working in the Basque Country, including a professor who killed a student in San Juan de Luz this Wednesday at the class.
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