The Anti-Racism and Xenophobia Council has met today for the first time with the aim of directly influencing the fight against ethnic and racial discrimination in the country. It is the first body created in Navarre in this area and is the result of the analysis of the Plan Against Racism and Xenophobia of Navarre of 2022.
Under the leadership of Begoña Alfaro, Vice-President of the Government of Navarra. It consists of a total of 28 members, including public institutions, associations of migrants and other entities in the field social.En the
2022 report showed that the migrant population continues to experience situations of everyday racism, and the Council was born with the intention of responding to ello.Asimismo, in 2024, the Service of Attention to Racism and Xenophobia of Navarre has received 248 cases, mainly in public services.
Alfaro has stressed that the fight against racism must be done in all areas of education, employment and housing, among others. The Council also hopes that Navarre will be an effective instrument in favour of an "inclusive and equitable" Navarre, with
a period of four years to deal with exclusive speeches and a monitoring of the anti-discrimination plans to be approved by the Government of Navarre to ensure the participation of associations and civil society.
Hamasei migrante atxilotu zituzten otsailaren 6an Baionan, etorkinen eskubideen aldeko elkarteek salatu dutenez. Dirudienez, Baionako prokuradoreak eman zuen agindua. Operazioa autobus geltokiaren eta Pausa harrera zentroaren artean gauzatu zuen poliziak, tartean, adingabekoak... [+]
I don't want my daughter disguising herself as a Gypsy in the caldereros. I don’t want Gypsy children at my daughter’s school to dress up as Gypsies in caldereros. Because being a gypsy is not a disguise. Because being a gypsy is not a party that takes place once a year, with... [+]
The most magical weeks of the year, or rather, the most consumerist, come. Many would like to receive gifts from Olentzero's bag, as if it fell from the sky, but the reality is that at Christmas it is our bags that suffer the most, we start the year with empty pockets. In the... [+]
London 1928. At the Victoria and Albert Museum there was a very special painting: in the painting there is a black man, with wig and Levite, surrounded by books and scientific instruments. Thus it was catalogued in the Museum: “Unique satirical portrait representing a failed... [+]