On the occasion of the International Day against Racism, mobilization has started from the civic centre Aldabe, within a week-long dynamic. Under the motto Racism planto, the same rights, called by the Vitoria-Gasteiz Anti-racist Platform, have travelled the city streets together with other groups such as Goian, CEAR or Sareak Josten.
At the closing event, attendees called for the formation of a "front" against racism. Among other things, they have called for the confrontation of fascism and respect for the rights of refugees and migrants. Finally, a minute’s silence has been observed in memory of those killed by fascism in New Zealand, and their re-election has taken place.
Still, the week has not ended with the demonstration: on Friday there will be sports activities starting at 17:00 in El Campillo and on Saturday, starting at 17:00, the festival in Plaza Correos, with workshops and concerts (Havana Code and Kultura Reggae Band) and a flashmob.
This news was made by Hala Bedi Irratia and we brought it with the Creative Commons license.
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