In Hego Euskal Herria, the main cause of hate crimes is racism or xenophobia, by far – more than half of all hate crimes listed –. It is followed, in this order, by crimes aimed at sexual or gender orientation, those aimed at ideology, sexual or gender discrimination and hatred of the Roma. The rest of the motivations have left small numbers in 2021. However, as has already been mentioned, there are many such crimes that remain hidden.
The 2021 report includes injuries, threats, damages and insults and, according to the data obtained, most crimes have been committed in public space. The house is the second place where the largest number of cases occur.
The source and problem of aggression is not the victim's superficial color or sexual orientation, but the aggressor's racism or LGTBphobia.
In these times when the far-right is gaining ground, the Spanish Ministry of the Interior has pointed out that although hate crimes are directed against people, in short, the criminal objective is to generate fear and insecurity in a given group. In fact, several groups have claimed that the focus should be placed on the aggressor rather than on the victim, as the source of the aggression and the problem is not the superficial color or sexual orientation of the victim, but rather the racism of the aggressor or LGTBphobia.
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