A new death among workers, once again in the transport sector. On 14 March, a 25-year-old worker from the TKV Group, Orixol Transportes, who transported material for the cooperative Fagor Ederlan, was seriously injured when the load fell. LAB reports that Tuesday died "as a result of serious injuries by accident".
The union shows solidarity with the relatives and friends of the deceased and recalls that eighteen workers have died since the beginning of the year. But this figure is no coincidence: "We are suffering a sharp increase in minor and serious occupational accidents," explains LAB.
Carriers working without intermediaries
It is also no coincidence that death has occurred in the transport sector, as it is one of the sectors that suffer the most serious and fatal accidents: "Workers in this sector, in addition to the traumatic traffic, suffer the most cardiovascular problems, and the occupational factors have a great influence", explains the union.
Transport workers are more at risk, such as those in loading and unloading procedures, "even if they do not apply"
In addition, transport workers have more risks, such as those in loading and unloading procedures, "even if they do not have this job". LAB has ensured that in many companies this safety standard is not respected and work is left to the carrier, although it has no means.
According to the ESK union, 1,044 workers have died since 2008, "looking across institutions without taking action".
The interunion group formed by the unions LAB, ESK, STEILAS, Hiru and EHNE-Etxalde to report the death of Arrasate has announced mobilizations.
Representatives of TKV workers also met at the time of the accident called by LAB and ELA. On that occasion they denounced to the TKV Directorate that new preventive and security measures have been called for on numerous occasions.
Betsaide enpresan gertatu da, 08:00ak aldera. Urtea hasi denetik gutxienez bederatzi behargin hil dira.
2024ko laneko ezbeharren txostena aurkeztu dute LAB • ESK • STEILAS • EHNE-etxalde eta HIRU sindikatuek aurtengo otsailean. Emaitza larriak bildu dituzte: geroz eta behargin gehiago hiltzen dira haien lanpostuetan.
Jakina da lan ikuskariak falta ditugula geurean. Hala ere, azken egunotan datu argigarriak ematea lortu dute: lan ikuskaritzaren arabera, EAEko enpresen %64ak ez du ordutegien kontrolean legedia betetzen. Era berean, lehendakariordeak gaitzetsi du, absentismoaren eta oinarrizko... [+]