The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has specified that the mobilisation set for 25 September in Arrasate cannot be appealed and that it will not prohibit it. It can be read in the presentation that "permission" is not needed for this type of initiative, as it is enough to "communicate it in advance" about the initiative.
They have prepared a journey of 31 kilometres to ask for the return home of prisoners, exiles and deportees, and to demand an end to the exceptional situation of Unai Parot. The decision responds to an appeal lodged by the majority union of the National Police, Jupol, and the association of the Jucil Civil Guard.
Gipuzkoa MEP Markel Olano asked himself whether the confrontation should be avoided. In addition to the Solidarity March, the PP and Vox have also announced that on that day they will be in Arrasate – the PP has called an event for that same day aimed at "the victims of terrorism" and Santiago Abascal de Vox has shown his desire for them to approach the people.
Unai Parot was arrested in Seville in 1990 and, among 26 other sentences, was sentenced to 4,797 years in prison for a crime of murder. Parot has probably been one of the most condemned prisoners and, in addition to denouncing this situation, the organisers of Solidarity Day argue that in a normal situation it should be free since 2005. In any case, the prison could not go beyond 2021.
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
Unionismoarekin lerrokatutako alderdi, sindikatu eta gizarte-erakunde gehienek, eta ez bakarrik horrela... [+]
Next Saturday, 11 January, the Sare citizens' network called for a new demonstration in Bilbao in defence of the rights of Basque prisoners. This is a unique opportunity to move forward on the path of coexistence in our people, after decades of violent confrontation and, even... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
See that the streets of Bilbao are full of tourists and dogs with two legs, for example? Or the changes in the political situation? The first one has tired me and annoyed me... [+]