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Arrasate BDZ manages to remove Israeli products from Eroski and Alcampo

  • They have asked local supermarkets to stop selling the products and shops they have at their disposal. Eroski de Arrsat and Alcampo accept the request: Lidl and BM supermarkets don't. This Friday they will conduct a rally to do the same.

10 October 2024 - 11:33
Last updated: 18:04
Arrasateko Douglasen aurrean eginiko boikot-elkarretaratzea aurtengo maiatzan BDZ

The BDZ group in Arrasate - Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions - managed in May to withdraw an Israeli-sourced product from the Douglas perfumery. “After the first victory,” they took the second step: Once products starting with made in Israel, the origin of Israel and the 729 code bar have been identified in supermarkets, they have been asked to remove them. The result has now been made known through a press release.

The Eroski de Musakola has withdrawn dates made in Israel, as well as a product of the brand Garden Gourmet that sells in Spain. It has committed itself not to bring it back. The same product of the Garden Gourmet brand for sawing, is committed to not bringing it back once you have sold what you already have in the establishment. “Being Eroski the largest and most referent trade of the people, it was a joy for us the news and it has been an important victory,” the group said. Alcampo has done the same thing: The Israeli Executive has committed itself to withdrawing the dates produced in Gaza and not returning them in the future.

BM and Lidl have not withdrawn any products. In BM, the Garden Gourmet product, BM brand pipes, BM brand Medjoul dates and avocado are products produced in Israel. Lidlen, Medjoul datiles and Lupilu wipes have been produced in the State of Israel.

Call for a rally for this Friday

In the face of this refusal, the BDS convened a concentration on 11 October at 18:00 hours in front of Lidl to demand the withdrawal of products produced by BM and Lidl in Israel. “Because these products finance the Palestinian genocide, the attacks on Lebanon and the bombings on other peoples. From the BDZ of Arrasate-Mondragon we ask the people not to buy these products, so that we do not become accomplices of the genocide without realizing it. We ask Lidl and BM supermarkets to remove these products.” Thus, they “call to boycott these products”, making known to the BDS the products manufactured in Israel, as well as participating in different mobilizations and actions.

Protest poster.
First specimen planted

In May of this year, Arrasate’s BDZ group managed to remove Israeli products from the Douglas store. “The product is mineral salts from the Dead Sea, Alma-K brand,” the group explained. As they published in the “Goiena” medium, the head of the company made a request to withdraw the product from the stores, both by letter and by dialogue with him. A period was set for withdrawing the product, and when the product was not withdrawn, a boycott campaign was launched. The next day they announced that they had done so. They did, however, make a comment: "Removing the product from our country does not mean it is not sold. It can still be found in the shops of the Douglas chain, also on the internet.”

"Today we have planted the first copy. It has become clear that work must be done on the way to boycott and that the way is to withdraw products separately. It cannot be done against everything. We are clear about that. The individual identification of the products and their marking and boycott have been a victory,” said Arrasate’s BDZ in May. The grain planted at that time has given new fruit in the autumn.

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