According to the Basque Government, PCR tests will be carried out on fishermen, "because it is an essential economic activity and because of the conditions the workers have to perform this work: because they have to work in a limited space and because of the manoeuvres they need to fish".
At this time, inshore vessels are immersed in the anchovy fishery. The Basque Government has therefore tested "the entire fleet" of the Gipuzkoa pier area and all of them have tested negative. The tests were carried out on 545 arrantzales from the cofradías de Hondarribia, Getaria and Pasaia, as well as 29 other professionals working on the camps.
The Basque Government hopes that on 1 and 2 May the tests will be carried out on professionals from the fishing grounds and the fishermen of the cofradías de Bizkaia. This is a total of 110 tests, which will be performed on professionals from 7 boats.
On 28 April the test will be carried out on the 26 crew members of the Egunabar bacaladero in Pasaia, which will depart this week from the port of Pasaia to Norway and Newfoundland for four months of tide.
During the weekend, trawlers fishing on the northern coast of France are expected to enter. It's 120 crew members from 12 boats with base port in Ondarroa. These fishermen shall be subjected to the PCR analysis before the start of the next fishing trip.
In May, from the second half of the year, the fleet of about 250 fishermen from Bonito del Norte will be embarked on stepping steps. "Because tides are very long and there are small interruptions between them, PCR tests are planned for the crew before each boarding," he said.
In the same way, the more than 600 fishermen will be involved in the coastal area of the Bonito by the end of June.