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The solution to saving fishing is to install this type of fish farming?

15 May 2023 - 13:27
Last updated: 14:36
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Basque Country is known to occupy a strategic position in the Gulf of Bizkaia. At the Cantábrico and at the height of the cliff of the Capbreton Cavity, it has excellent fisheries very close. As a result, or as a consequence, the history and development of Euskal Herria must be understood in conjunction with various activities related to the sea: different types of fishing have emerged, different forms of life have been carried out and different cultural expressions have emerged. The important fishing tradition has been forged over the centuries. This historic, economic, social and cultural development offers us, in turn, different forms of fishing and consumption of fish.

Between 1950 and 1980, the development of our coast was enormous. Before the industrialisation of the sector, large fisheries were carried out, many fish species were caught and sustainable instruments were used. This began to change with the industrialisation process, and after entering the European Union, the context became profoundly changed. Fishing rights or quotas were established and distributed and Basque fishermen lost management rights, along with fishing rights in traditional fisheries. As if it were not enough, we started importing fish from other seas around the world and, in general, made fish here less profitable. The burglaries created by politicians with little interest in fishing had a direct impact on our coast and the Basque fleet was considerably reduced.

With the turn of the century, the fisheries sector began to sink. Since then, more and more boats have been tied and sunk forever and fishing rights have been sold to other communities. Life and support for shore fishing have also changed a great deal. Clear examples could be the disappearance of working women operating in ports (e.g. boilers, girls, packaging machines, discarding machines, etc.) or the loss of the presence of cofradías. These Cofradías, true symbols of inshore fishing, so important in our history, today play a secondary role in fisheries management. In addition, some colfradías have disappeared, such as that of Mutriku.

The institutions have never been interested in traditional fishing and have focused their support and responsibilities on industrial fishing

Behind this reality are economic and political interests that show no concern for responsible and sustainable fisheries. Traditional fishing has never interested them and has focused their support and responsibilities on industrial fishing. The best example of this is the institutional support received by the large freezer vessels dedicated to tuna fishing and the companies that manage them. These modern vessels operate in all the seas of the world, using techniques that affect diversity and the environment. As if it were not enough, many of the fisheries on these boats are in the waters of countries with food problems. Bermeo's shipowners have become the main beneficiaries of this system.

The fisheries policies maintained by the public authorities and the Basque Government in recent decades have led us to this situation. In their day they let the vessels fishing for cod sink. Then the trawlers and now the inshore fishing is disappearing, but they seem not to be very interested. Even someone might think they're doing it. Meanwhile, Bermeo has become the world capital of tuna and high-rise fishing has become an important holding company. A few decades ago, in the port of Bermeo you could see more than 150 vessels (tuna) dedicated to traditional fishing in the Cantabrian Sea. There is none left today.

The situation in our ports is regrettable and worrying. There are fewer and fewer fishing boats and, at the same time, more and more leisure boats are appearing every day, making direct competition with the fisherman. Professional fishermen who live on the basis of state aid are watching the boats that are fishing by their side uncomfortably. Professional fishermen know that if this continues, it will be very difficult to seek a generational relief.

There are fewer and fewer fishing boats and, at the same time, more and more leisure boats appear every day, directly competing with the fisherman.

There seems to be little to see the total collapse of the sector, and decisions taken on a daily basis only harm the situation. They will not correct the decisions being taken in the management of resources and in the economic performance of fish. The sale of quotas for fishing species is another example of this unfortunate situation. These commonly used fishing licences are managed and sold by a few to serve private interests.

In the Basque Country, the privatization of the coast and the sea itself began some time ago and is now accelerating. The latest “innovative” proposal we have heard these days is a clear example of this. One million square meters of sea will be privatized to thicken tuna. These tuna will be caught using techniques prohibited in our fisheries, such as harvesting technique, harmful and predatory technique. At the moment it has been announced that tests will be carried out with the bait, but surely similar tests will soon be carried out with the bonito and other species.

It seems that the struggle of Basque fishermen in the 1990s against the use of flyers and pelagic trawlers in recent years has served no purpose, as they will reproduce similar techniques. Capital does not care about marine and coastal biodiversity. And also those who make decisions.

The way to save the fisheries sector is not to facilitate the sale of common quotas and profitability to a multinational. That is unacceptable. They cannot signal the direction of our fisheries sector. We seem to be drifting, focusing only on certain interests. We cannot allow quotas to be sold to the best bidder and the public interest to be inclined towards the rules of the market. As in this case, public institutions are observing the interests of multinationals using predatory techniques. The fishing quotas that require public management must reach our Cofradías and we must ensure that vessels fish with techniques that respect the environment to the maximum. In addition to respecting the environment, we will take steps towards food sovereignty.

The way to save the fisheries sector is not to make it easier for a multinational to sell common quotas and profitability.

We know that in future farms will play an important role in our food. They can be useful ways to get the proteins society needs, if used properly. But what they want to deal with Getaria, and the direction that fisheries policies in general show, are not at all appropriate. The construction and conservation of the Protected Marine Spaces as a natural farm 12 miles from our coast will provide interesting social, cultural and economic benefits in the short and medium term. Life will make its own way, fish will develop their life cycle and then it will be possible to refish with the utensils used in artisanal fishing. If necessary, the new situation would also allow caged growth and repopulation of certain fish species that have disappeared from our coast (almost). The sea bream is an example. At the same time, the Cofradías should be strengthened and strengthened as responsible for fisheries management and marketing of fish. We can capture, manage and prepare edible fish in health centers, schools and any other dining area, both in the Basque Country and in the Basque Country. With flights that have grown in captivity this will not be done. The Basque Country still has the capacity to do so. There is only a lack of willingness to take decisions in the right direction.

From Ondarroa 12 Milia we continue to call for a serious debate. The sea and fish are a common good. Fishing must first be that of professional fishermen and consumption habits must be directed towards the common interest. We thus see the need to prepare a context for designing policies that benefit everyone. In short, the Basque Country must respect the environment and achieve food sovereignty. Firsthand.

Leo Belaustegi, member of the association Ondarroa 12 Milia.

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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