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Are cracks emerging in US protection of Israel?

  • The United States has “criticized” Israel’s decision to enter and attack Rafah, paralyzing the last shipment of weapons they were sending. Some Israeli leaders are suspicious of America's attitude. However, the Zionist State remains strongly supported by its American allies, and that basic loyalty has not changed.

09 May 2024 - 07:30
Last updated: 15:08
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Israel has had the support of the United States to deal for decades with international attempts at criticism and sanctions. The Joe Biden government continues to defend Israel and has justified the genocide being carried out in Gaza on the excuse of the operation against Hamas, despite its statements against the “deaths” of civilians. However, according to the news released in recent weeks by the Israeli media, the Netanyahu government is concerned that such protection will not decrease. These concerns have been heightened following Rafah ' s decision to enter strongly.

For the first time since October 7, EE.UU. interrupts the flow of arms sent to Israel. According to information provided by Wall Street Journal, the Biden government was going to send thousands of “precision weapons” to Israel, but the procedure has, they say, stopped in the face of Rafah’s attacks. Critics of the United States have denounced that the sale of arms to the Zionist state violates the law, as they prohibit military assistance to states related to violations of rights. So far this argument has not been an obstacle to EE.UU. He supports his ally, but this decision to cut arms shipments is unprecedented and has been shocked in Israel, according to local media.

Defeat of the Israeli story

Israel has killed nearly 35,000 thousands of people in Gaza since October, and the International Court of Justice has also stated that genocide is “possible”, although it has not issued a final judgment. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blink himself acknowledged that Israel is losing the international media war. During a talk with Republican politician Mitt Romney, Blinken accused social media of the failure of the Israeli narrative, due to the decrease in the spread of “traditional media”. The possibility of receiving raw images of Gaza directly through new technologies has influenced public opinion, according to various sources, and Blinken acknowledged that “emotions” are gaining ground in the face of Israel’s “context, history and truth”.

Israel is “frustrated” with the attitude of EE.UU. before the respite

Sources from the Israeli Government state that the Biden Government was aware of the proposal for the last firewalls in Egypt and Qatar, but did not transfer the information to the ally of Israel. According to journalist Barak Ravid, some Israeli authorities suspect the attitude of the US Government during the ceasefire negotiations and believe that it will harm Israel. On the other hand, some sources warn that EE.UU. He assured Hamas that Israel would accept a permanent ceasefire in exchange for releasing the hostages, but the Zionist authorities have not said so publicly, and have referred to Hamas’s final disappearance as the only possible end of the war.

Joe Bide is concerned about the decision to attack Rafah in recent days and asks Israel to implement a humanitarian plan along with the attacks. But journalist Jonathan Cook has understood these Biden statements as a media game and has not questioned it EE.UU. e Israel have a joint plan to destroy Gaza.

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