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A wave of people in Pamplona say no to the carpentry and demand the acquittal of the defendants

  • Thousands of people gather after lunch on Saturday in Pamplona to express their opposition to the macroproject of the Baztan Carpinteria and demand the acquittal of the seven defendants who will be tried in May. We videotaped the conclusion of the event [at the end of the news].
Ahotsa / CC BY SA

03 February 2025 - 07:15
Last updated: 10:55
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The people here and there gathered at the city office early in the morning. It’s on the street, and that’s what people say. Many have tried the day to make a little snack here or there and visit Pamplona. The national demonstration was called and has been complied with: according to the organizers, 18,000 people have joined. Numerous buses have arrived from different corners of the Basque Country, including at least four buses from Lapurdi and Lower Navarre. Cars on top of everything.

The promenade that crosses Taconera Park seemed to have only one direction. In the company of the bagpipes, the march of the wave of people seemed endless, and the arrivals of the demonstrators have not ended until at least 16:15. The demonstration begins with the warning of the drums, in the slow passage and the pleasure of the few solar prairies. The line of the demonstration was really long: The Avenida de la Armada has been taken from side to side by the crowd, as can be seen when the demonstration has stopped in front of the Palacio de Baluarte. There, in the Plaza de la Paz, they think of the solidarity groups against the Itoi dam. It has been displayed on a banner as follows: From drowning to carpentry, civil disobedience.

The demonstration was massive and tumultuous, especially towards the end, taking the road to the Plaza del Castillo. Among other things, there have been exhortations such as "We will stop the carpentry", "There are not seven of us, we are one people", "acquittal", "land, once sold, lost forever" or "the defense of the land is not a crime", all in Basque. Even smaller posters have been carried by numerous individuals; more than one has been seen in the Carpentry. With the slogan “pelotazo” – the promoter of the macroproject filed several complaints against the former mayor of Baztan for saying that the project was “pelotazo”, but he was finally acquitted.

Protection of the network

Many agents of the Basque Country have expressed their attachment in one way or another to those who struggle in the Baztan Carpinteria case. Among them, the demonstration was attended by a large number of groups that are defending the land, defending the environment and opposing certain macroprojects, such as Medio Viva, Ostia!, Araba Viva, Guggenheim’s Stop, Root Formation, AAV Stop and Non-Subfluvial Collectives.

Their clamors have also been shown in more than one place of the demonstration: for example, they denounced the Navarrese corridor of the AVE or the project of the Miritxa wind power plant in Álava.

In addition, it is recalled that there will soon be a case against the three captured actresses in the battle of Marienia de Canbo.

"We demand the defense of the communal lands"

From the Plaza del Castillo, take the curve and the mass protest ends on the Paseo de Sarasate. Just like it started, to the rhythm of the drums and the applause. The singer Olaia Inziarte and the band Tatxers have been on stage in front of the Parliament of Navarre to play the new song created specifically for the Carpinteria’s defendants.

At the time of the demonstration, the seven involved in the Baztan Carpentry case were in fact to be tried next week. But at the request of the prosecution, the trial is postponed to May. It will take place from May 19th to 23rd, as reported at the end of the demonstration.

Seven people are accused of belonging to a "criminal group" for going to the site and camping when excavators entered the Carpinteria for preventing the construction of the work. They have demanded 20 years in prison and 56,000 euros for these seven citizens. "It would set a serious common precedent for grassroots movements in the Basque Country. Through this trial, they want to criminalize the entire popular movement," they said at the end of the demonstration.

They have also offered a more in-depth reading on land expropriation and urban or energy macro-projects: “To lead projects that seek to expropriate lands, eradicate our language and culture, and subordinate our lives to capital, we demand that we defend our cultural, linguistic, and communal lands and that everyone has livable lives.”

The song mentioned in the article, by the Pamplona band Tatxers and the Oronoza singer Olaia Inziarte, on the theme of Carpinteria. The lyrics after the song.

The lyrics are:

Why are there green bellies
full of beloved sheep here
and why not? Hotel Dunes of
Ormigoiez in the middle of the mountains

We're barking dogs at
your doorstep
Who could live there but only
ghosts Break
golf clubs All
this land belongs to
the Baztan

The Carpentry Forever
Be Alive From Telleri
Below To The Palace

Telleri Palace Cabanas
Escondido Every
drop of sweat
from the veils
They don’t fit in
your pockets

We don't want you here!
Not here and nowhere!

In the former
Lepotika Different Minds
What They Want to Turn the Valley Into
Their Museum To
Hell hilton For
Those Who Have Cultivated
All This Land

Telleri Palace Cabanas
Escondido Every
drop of sweat
from the veils
They don’t fit in
your pockets

We don't want you here!
Not here and nowhere!

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