"The most terrible example of this disaster is perhaps the one that has happened in the vicinity of Sukiletx. In addition to cutting the trees in the area, the banks of the Telleria River have been crushed with the passage of the excavators, as well as the stone bridge itself. The walls on the edge of the stone bridge to allow excavators to pass above the river have been destroyed and the bridge itself has been damaged by the work of heavy machinery."
"When we see the areas of the people being raped, it is difficult to express how we feel the Lekaroztarras, but we are becoming increasingly clear that we want Lekaroz, linked to the land, without urban squads," concludes the note released by the mayor. "We want to show our solidarity to all the citizens who have lost their lands and suffered damage as a result of the Aroztegi project and, in passing, we call on the Government of Navarra to leave the PGOU there and respect the will of the baztandarras. That is why we encourage the citizens to participate in the demonstration that the 'Aroztak' initiative has organised for the next 15 May in Elizondo".
Urban project imposed
The Mayor’s team says they have many arguments to say no to Aroztegi’s project: "Linked to the development and tourism models, to the environmental aspects, to our language, to the housing problems of Baztan, to the doubts about the water supply of Lekaroz, to the vision of the world of the baztandarras... But how and where should we debate when it is imposed on us? ".
In this sense, he pointed out that the urban project was imposed on the residents of Lekaroz and Baztan. "In the popular consultation convened by this people's assembly in 2009, Lekaroz rejected the project, and in the popular consultation organized by the General Assembly in 2016 the baztandarras rejected the project. However, as has been said, the project has been imposed on us, following the approval by the Government of Navarra of the Supramunicipal Impact Plan (PAU). Evidently, the PAU was a trick to go beyond the will of its citizens and institutions".
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.
Elkartasunez, hamarnaka herritar elkartu dira Nafarroako Auzitegiaren aitzinean, "herri baten borondatea ezin da epaitu" banderola plazaratuz.
Aroztak Herri Ekimenak jakinarazi du sei pertsona epailearen aurretik igaro beharko direla, Aroztegiako makroproiektuaren aurkako protesten harira. Ekimenak babesa helarazi die, eta mobilizazioak deituko dituela iragarri.