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A year after the works of Aroztegi stopped, they celebrate a festival in Lekaroz

  • & '97; Aroztak has put the harvest name of the sowing on the day. population groups. Among other things, he wished to thank all those who participated in this battle on Saturday’s holiday, on the first anniversary of the resistance.
Kinbonbo Brass Bandarekin kalejira Lekarozen / Argazkia: Aroztak.

16 May 2022 - 11:51

In order to "thank" people who have approached demonstrations, concentrations, camping, colloquia, etc. They will organize the celebration of 14 May. Arozta is listed in Lekaroz! groups, completing the whole day program: stories, mural painting, cycle tourism, bertso saioa, pasacalles and evening concerts (Leizeak, Burutik, AFU eta Dj Kazeruerk).

The works of the Aroztegi urban project for the construction of 228 homes, golf course and luxury hotel for the tourists of Lekaroz came last year to the citizen’s response: they put a camp in front of the machinery and had to stop the works. Since then they have not returned and the citizens are still vigilant. At the same time, they have been contested by the repression: they have been fined and it is assumed that by carrying out an act of disobedience, some citizens have had to testify before the judge.

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14 May marks the first anniversary of Aroztegi resistance in Lekaroz
& '97; Aroztak has put the harvest name of the sowing on the day. population groups. Among other things, he wished to thank all those who participated in this struggle with the day of the holiday.

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