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New poems by Arnaut Oihenart

  • The UPV/EHU researcher Gidor Bilbao has found in the library of Grenoble a copy of the book Cobla Berriae, with four pages more than the library of Baiona. There are the new stanzas and poems that we didn't know until now.
Gidor Bilbao EHUko ikerlariak aurkitu ditu poema berriak. (Argazkia: Euskal Idazleen Elkartea)

28 April 2023 - 09:44
Last updated: 11:21
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

UPV researcher Gidor Bilbao has discovered new poems by historian and writer Arnaut Oihenart. The book Cobla Berriae, from the library of Grenoble, has four pages more than that of the municipal library of Baiona, where he has found stanzas and new poems that until now we did not know. The Association of Basque Writers has interviewed Bilbao and made the details of the research known. You can also read poems.

The 17th century poet published two poems: Oten gaztaroa neuritzetan and Koblas berriak. So far we knew that the most complete number of the last was in the Baiona library, with more pages than in Paris. In Robles', however, on the first page there are seven stanzas that we didn't know until now. In the last pages, the bermeotarra has found the poems Escardanos I and Escardanos II. The title Escarzanos in the Baiona number already existed, but poems did not.

As explained by Bilbao, Oihenart uses a metric structure that has not been used elsewhere in the stanzas of the first page: "I have the impression that this denounces us one of the author's main objectives, that is, to show that in Basque poetry different metric structures can be used". The researcher has left the words of the poem as he found them, but has also edited them, adapting them to the current graph and score and with various notes, "thinking that understanding Oihenart's poems is not easy".

The Escardillas text has also made a historic contribution. Poems are from the tradition of the Xikitos, but for Bilbao, from now on we should say "mushrooms". In the Xikitos the male was dedicated to the Xikitos!, but in these poems of Oihenart it is seen how the lady says to the man "xikito", and to the woman "perraka" (the feminine zarpela). "This means that there was probably an oral tradition, older and richer than we thought."

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