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Berriztu! celebrates the end of the Armentia-2 well and calls for mobilisation for the energy transition

  • The movement denounces that PNV and PSE have supported the project until the last moment in Álava and that the law passed in Madrid has forced them to step back, but both parties continue to promote other "destructive projects". It has congratulated Alavesa society on its achievement and called on citizens to continue fighting for a “real” energy transition.

12 April 2021 - 15:30
Argazkia: Berriztu.

Berriztu! He stressed the importance of the Armentia-2 well in the Municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz Movimiento, in a press release after learning of the permanent cessation of the exploitation project. “It was only the beginning of a nightmare, so that we could then dig hundreds of wells in the Basque territory.”

The environmental group for the Energy Transition has criticised the PNV and the PSE for having promoted for years “against the majority opinion of Algerian society” the fracking and subsequent gas extraction: They sell us ideas like "Green Capital," "Climate Emergency," and "citizen participation," but citizens have opted for rejected fossil fuels to the last minute, instead of investing in a transition based on renewable energies."

The movement considers that the Spanish Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition obliges the PNV and the PSE to step back in the exploitation of underground gas. “But they continue to show their intention to continue their destructive projects; the wild wind project, the High-Speed Train, the Incinerator, the Basque Hydrogen Corridor, etc.” The movement has denounced that in the last ten years the Basque Government's Hydrocarbons Society of the Basque Country (SHESA) has "lost" EUR 80 million of public money to demand its "dissolution".

Time for energy transition

Berriztu! ! It has ensured that it is time to make the transition to a “real and sustainable” energy model, emphasising that another energy model is possible. It has congratulated the whole of Alavesa society and all the groups and parties that have worked for it both on the streets and in the institutions and has invited all the citizens to continue to mobilise.

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