At 42, Sunak becomes the UK Prime Minister who is not a white man. Grandson of migrants from the Punjab region in India, emigrated from East Africa to England in the 1960s.
He studied at the elitist private college in Winchester and graduated in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. Between Suna and his wife, Akshata Murty, they have about EUR 825 million of money, according to The Guardian.
And so, according to the Sunday Times list, the richest family in the United Kingdom is 222. During these days, an interview with the BBC media in 2001 revealed how it recognised that it had no working-class friends.
Two months ago, journalist Andrew Neil from Channel 4 asked him about these statements and it was Rishi's answer, "We've all said nonsense when we were students."
Below visible at 01:20 minutes.
Britainiar Gobernuko bi ministrok haien dimisioa aurkeztu dute, Chris Pincher diputatu kontserbadoreak sexu jazarpen salaketa berriak jaso ondoren.
Alderdi Laboristaren gorakadak Erresuma Batuko gobernagarritasuna zalantzan jarri du, Brexitaren negoziaketak hasi baino hamar egun lehenago. Gehiengoa galdu du Theresa May-k eta aliantza berriak egin beharko ditu gobernuan gutxiengoan sortzeko. Ipar Irlandako DUP alderdiarekin... [+]